The description you have written before each link (unfortunatley you could not comprehend the politics of the link)....explicitly shows one and only one thing....that red state bengal is MS supporter and the then govt of kerala by UDF has supported the free software. And the explanation you have sent now is just a discovery to escape from your tomfoolery.
If you are so knightly, come out and openly support the so called strike done by Left leaning organisations for the sake of free software that "succumbed" the UDF to take decision onthe issue.
2009/1/7 sandeep sr <>
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:26 PM, jimmy davis <> wrote:
>>And interestingly, a report on the Congress Govt's (Kerala) >move to
>>introduce Free Software in Schools.
>>Stallman's MS-bashing in West Bengal gets ears in >Congress-run Kerala

I just feel sorry for you man. If you didn't get the message i
conveyed thru the links, you should either be naive enough, or you
should be Vikram.

The links were intended to show the double standards of the party
where they ruled, and where they were in opposition during the period
circa 2004.
But as somebody said, some people's brains are like the pupil of the
eye...the more light you pour on it, the more it will shrink.

Signing off..
