well im surprised.. im still not able to find a reason for the protest.. when. the whole community.. is participating.. in the event, it would take only minimum sense to get an idea of informing about a "mistake" that was happening..
The only reason that i could see is .. somebody wants to project himself.. as the "ONE" who stands for justice and all.. but irony is he forgot that in this act.. he was opposing the event for the justice in software field , which gave a qualitative change to the movement in the country..
Never in India it happened.. where 1500+ attending a free software conference..

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Raj Mathur <raju@linux-delhi.org> wrote:
On Wednesday 19 Nov 2008, Anivar Aravind wrote:
> Freedom of expression cant be suppressed with muscle power. MES
> students recovered deleted videos from their memory card. I posted
> them in my blog post
> http://anivar.movingrepublic.org/2008/national-free-software-conferen

Too bad you need proprietary software to view the videos.  Doesn't seem
to work with Gnash.

-- Raju
Raj Mathur                raju@kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
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