2008/11/17 james mathew <james.infidel@gmail.com>
> HOW the hell can anyone hijack a peoples' movement?

My question still stands: HOW can anyone HIJACK A PEOPLES' MOVEMENT?

> I remember seeing the important people of FSF-India sharing the dais with
> the Left, holding important positions in the Left Govt. in Kerala, using the
> Left whenever some help is needed and then this dual standards...
> FSF-India cannot even get an appointment with a Minister without the help of
> the Left.
> It was the Left backed school teachers' assn which promoted free software in
> Kerala.
> It was because of the Left that patents in software were not adopted in
> Parliament...
> What does FSF-India have to say for itself?

Refering to V. Sasi Kumar's mail regarding the Chennai convention.. Was he speaking as a layman or member of FSF-India board?
Does Anivar make his headline hijacking statements as a FSF-I member or in his own capacity?
Is James Mathew not a FSF-I whole-timer?
In fact I saw the FSF-I Chairman sitting on the dais with Left leaders on the first day of conference. I also remember the nuisance created on multiple mailing lists prior to the conference.
Either way. All irresponsible statements are going to make you all OBSOLETE as you may end up being a not-for-profit company without a people.
FSF-I still owes an explanation for this and previous issues and silence is NOT an option.