James Mathew writes "This is an interesting story from Kerala, India,
where the ruling Communist Party organized a national conference in
its efforts to hijack the Free Software Movement, which has enviable
roots in the state. They got Novell to sponsor it. On the second day
of the conference, a few free software activists who displayed posters
against Novell were manhandled by the organizers and police — typical
of what is expected from them. Most of the snaps taken during the
scuffle were forcefully deleted by the organizers, after seizing the
protesters' mobile phones. Still they couldn't delete all. Here is
another low-by-blow account."

It seems that "hijacking" is such a catchy phrase nowadays.
HOW the hell can anyone hijack a peoples' movement?
I saw that James Mathew used his gnu.org.in id to post this slashdot message.
Why is FSF-India promoting this "hijack" theory everywhere?
I remember seeing the important people of FSF-India sharing the dais with the Left, holding important positions in the Left Govt. in Kerala, using the Left whenever some help is needed and then this dual standards...
FSF-India cannot even get an appointment with a Minister without the help of the Left.
It was the Left backed school teachers' assn which promoted free software in Kerala.
It was because of the Left that patents in software were not adopted in Parliament...
What does FSF-India have to say for itself?