On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Sasi Kumar <sasi.fsf@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/2/10 Renni P Mathunny <rennipm@gmail.com>:
> See the attached file -- list of alternatives.
> But I am not aware about an alternative to Tally for Commerce students.
> Creating an alternative for Tally is also a very improtant task, becuase now
> a days auditors (FCA/ACA) are forcing even government firms to buy/install
> Tally, becuase they are familiar with it. GNU Cash may evolve as an
> alternative.

please check out these


http://gnukhata.gnulinux.in/svn/gnukhata1  some updates are going on here
Mr Krishnakant mane is leading the team, as far as i know a dedicated team of mainly 5-6 BE students who are girls from Mumbai and ofcourse Krishnakant and few boys are involved

the software is functional , they are working towards ver 1 release , may be more details are available with them

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