It is spam. But content is worth of getting help from everyone , particularly from members here. He should not be blocked.

Loknath Swain

2010/7/3 Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) <>
Spammer.  Can we block this e-mail?

-- Raj

On Saturday 03 Jul 2010, wrote:
> Hi fsf-friends,
> This is exciting! Along with 187,759 people I signed a petition
> asking the Prime Minister to hold a public consultation before
> taking a decision on the nuclear liability bill. These petitions
> were delivered to the Standing Committee looking at the bill and now
> they have decided to hold a public consultation.
>  The bill in its current form lets the foreign corporations get away
> by paying a meagre amount in case of a nuclear accident in India.
> The major chunk of the expenses will be borne by the Indian tax
> payers. But now we have a chance to change this bill and make it
> stronger.
>  Greenpeace, an NGO working on this issue, has prepared an open
> letter which states the changes required in the bill. Just like the
> petition, this letter will stand a chance of being considered if
> lots of us sign it. We have less than two weeks to change the bill
> and prevent another Bhopal in the making.
>  I have already added my signature.
>  Can you add your signature to this letter?
>  Thanks!

Raj Mathur      
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