Finally Anivar's version of the incidents also appeared.  It does not differ much from that of other witness on the spot, except his denial on the reported outburst that 10 posters will be posted for each one removed.

For the sake of further analysis, let me consider Anivar's version alone.

He agrees that they have prepared the posters at CUSAT computer center. There was no opposition from any of the organisers.

He agrees that they have posted it on the flex showing program chart. No body from organisers questioned them.

He agrees that they have posted the posters at various places where conferences takes place. The organisers does not denied their right to protest.

He agrees that they have posted the poster on Novell's flex out side the entrance of the exhibition stall and Novell guy asked them to remove it. Upon the complaint from the Novell, the organisers are forced to prevent the protesters from such activities.

The remaining thing happened is as per the dynamics of a quarrel between two groups. If individuals involved in the quarrel reacts with emotions the tense will be more.  

If Anivar is having any regard for the freedom he cherish and preaches with respect to software, he should not have pasted the posters on the Novell's property.

Regarding his personal accusation against me, let me make one thing clear. Even though, myself and Anivar can work together on a common minimum program of promoting software freedom, I did not subscribe to any thoughts that led Anivar to deny freedom of other agencies.

- Anilkumar K V