2009/1/10 ck raju <ck.thrissur@gmail.com>
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Anilkumar KV <anilankv@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tarnish the image of a partner organisation with baseless allegation will no
(1) If an organisation can be tarnished with baseless allegation, then
there could be serious problems with the way in which it is organised
or constituted.

Here it is the other way around. There is serious problem with one who raises the baseless allegations even in out of context. Tarnishing is not the way of positive criticism. Here those who work around these baseless allegations uses the platform of free software movement, to attempt to prevent the functioning of a larger a organisation for software freedom. These type of act is against the philosophy of freedom we advocate.

(2) When a people-based organisation makes a section of people whom it
believes are behind this act of tarnishing, its enemy or target - then
also it ceases to be a people-based organisation anymore - because
from that point thereon, it becomes factional - a situation from where
it can no longer see *people* in its entirety. This is also a big
problem if the organisation claims to be a peoples' organisation
standing for ethical causes.

Let the people decide which are  people-based organisation. Deviating the target of a forum of free software movements to tarnish other organisations out of context is not done with good motive. 

(3) Lastly, why should you want the organisation which you support to
be accepted always by everyone as *Jesus-like* ? If we roll-back a
little, be a litlle more tolerant to accusations, allegations etc,
blood will continue to flow normally through our veins for better
productive purposes !!

You may play with argument and counter argument by yourself, and not attribute those to me. I was asking the free software movements to come forward to work in coherence to strengthen the movement further. You may listen and realise whose blood is flowing abnormal.

- Anilkumar K V