There are many instances, if some one meet IT secretary of Kerala with
some venture for free software based project, he used to direct to
Arun, even before he was appointed in IT mission, as if Arun is the
sole authority to decide on it. Finally that will be implemented by
some agency in which Arun may have some undocumented interest. That is
how SPACE grabbed project on Malayalam Computing even when there is lot
of similar activities carried out by SMC. There are so many such
examples of malpractices. ILUG-Cochin have many stories to tell. There
was an attempt to have a deal of training with ILUG-Cochin people by
SPACE, when Arun was in-charge of it. The SPACE asked them not to have
any contact with the trainees after the stipulated time of training. By
sensing false-play in it ILUG-Cochin people dropped the deal.