Could someone share with me the file please? Hi AB, how are things? FN
On Thu, 1 Apr 2004 wrote:
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 20:30:26 +0530 From: Ramanraj K Subject: Re: [Fsf-friends] Gnus configuration To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
I would like to thank Anand Babu who shared his .emacs and .gnus.el file with me, that got me started with reading and sending mail with gnus almost immediately. Thanks to Annamalai for sharing his .gnus.el file
Those interested in getting started with gnus may visit
Fsf-friends mailing list
End of Fsf-friends Digest, Vol 12, Issue 1
,----[ Frederick Noronha (FN) ] | Could someone share with me the [gnus config] file please? `----
It would be nice if Anand Babu could post the .emacs and .gnus.el to . Gnus compelents mailing lists with message threading and other features backed with the full power of emacs.
Links may be added to tools that aid in giving attribution to authors: boxquote.el at supercite.el at
An Emacs directory could be created in the home directory to keep the elisp files, and the following lines could be added to .emacs file:
(setq load-path (cons "~/Emacs" load-path)) (require 'boxquote) (require 'supercite)
Boxquote style of attribution has been followed in this post. Supercite helps with clean and neat attribution in mails. Supercite Version 3.1 Manual is available at:
To make things easier, anyone using Supercite may please share the configuration block for using Supercite.
Regards, Ramanraj.
,----[ "Frederick Noronha (FN)" ] | Could someone share with me the file please? Hi AB, how are things? FN `---- Hi Fred, Just finished building worlds second fastest super computer running 4096 IA64 processors, 8 TB RAM, quadrics interconnect and "100% free software". All the software I wrote for it are available under GNU GPL.
Here are my un-cooked .emacs and .gnus.el files -ab
==================================[.emacs]=================================== ;; ab's .emacs file (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it! ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. '(add-log-mailing-address "" t) '(backup-by-copying t) '(case-fold-search t) '(current-language-environment "English") '(delete-old-versions t) '(dired-listing-switches "-Dhl" t) '(dired-recursive-copies (quote always)) '(dired-recursive-deletes (quote top)) '(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock)) '(gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments (quote all)) '(gnus-gcc-mark-as-read t) '(gnus-no-groups-message "No new messages. Cool!, You are free now.") '(gnus-novice-user nil) '(imap-default-user "ab") '(mail-from-style (quote angles)) '(mail-mode-hook (quote (flyspell-mode))) '(mail-yank-prefix nil) '(mc-gpg-comment "Processed by Mailcrypt" t) '(mc-gpg-user-id "" t) '(message-citation-line-function (quote ignore)) '(message-from-style (quote angles)) '(message-mode-hook (quote (flyspell-mode))) '(message-yank-cited-prefix "") '(message-yank-prefix "") '(save-place t nil (saveplace)) '(show-paren-mode t nil (paren)) '(text-mode-hook (quote (turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify))) '(transient-mark-mode t) '(user-full-name "Anand Babu") '(user-mail-address "") '(version-control t)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it! ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. )
(menu-bar-mode nil) (global-set-key "\M-g" 'goto-line) (global-set-key "\M-a" 'bbdb-show-all-recipients)
;; ;; Provide cool "quoting" of inserted text ;; (require 'boxquote) (defun boxquote-region-message () "boxquote a reply region in a message" (interactive) (fill-region (region-beginning) (region-end)) (boxquote-region (region-beginning) (region-end)) ;;(boxquote-title (message-fetch-field "To"))) (boxquote-title (mail-header-from message-reply-headers)))
(defvar ab:boxquote-map (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key m (kbd "b") 'boxquote-paragraph) (define-key m (kbd "i") 'boxquote-insert-file) (define-key m (kbd "p") 'boxquote-paragraph) (define-key m (kbd "r") 'boxquote-region) (define-key m (kbd "t") 'boxquote-title) (define-key m (kbd "u") 'boxquote-unbox) (define-key m (kbd "m") 'boxquote-region-message) (define-key m (kbd "C-y") 'boxquote-yank) (define-key m (kbd "C-k") 'boxquote-kill) m) "Keymap for boxquote functions.") (global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") ab:boxquote-map)
(require 'mailcrypt-init)
(load "~/lib/emacs/back2dir.el") (load "~/lib/emacs/eval-replace-hacks.el") ==================================[.emacs]===============================
==============================[.gnus.el-IMAP]============================ ;;; .gnus.el: ab's imap configuration.
(require 'bbdb) (bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message 'w3 'sc)
;; '((if (message-news-p) ;; "sent-news" ;; ""Sent"")))
(setq message-yank-prefix ">") (setq gnus-novice-user nil) (setq mail-from-style 'angles) (setq mail-mode-hook '(flyspell-mode)) (setq message-from-style 'angles) (setq message-mode-hook '(flyspell-mode))
(global-set-key "\C-p" 'gnus-summary-delete-article) (global-set-key "\M-TAB" 'bbdb-complete-name)
;;; Say how Gnus is to store the mail. We use nnimap groups. (setq gnus-select-method '(nnimap "")) ;; (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml "")) ;; (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")))
(setq gnus-message-archive-method '(nnimap "")) (setq gnus-message-archive-group "INBOX.Sent")
(setq mail-sources '((imap :server "" :mailbox "INBOX" :user "ab" :password "XXXXXX" :predicate nil ; Get all mail in "INBOX". :fetchflag "\Seen" :dontexpunge t ) (pop :server "" :user "" :password "XXXXXX" :authentication "apop") ))
;;; nnimap splitting (setq nnimap-split-crosspost t) (setq nnimap-split-inbox '("INBOX")) (setq nnimap-split-rule '(("INBOX" "")))
(setq nnmail-split-abbrev-alist '((any . "from\|to\|cc\|sender\|apparently-to\|resent-from\|resent-to\|resent-cc") (mail . "mailer-daemon\|postmaster\|uucp") (to . "to\|cc\|apparently-to\|resent-to\|resent-cc") (from . "from\|sender\|resent-from") (list . "list-id\|x-mailing-list\|to\|cc\|sender")))
;;; nnmail splitting (setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy nnmail-split-fancy ;; Messages from the mailer daemon are not crossposted to any of ;; the ordinary groups. Warnings are put in a separate group ;; from real errors. '(| ("from" mail (| ("subject" "warn.*" "mail.warning") "mail.misc")) ;; Non-error messages are crossposted to all relevant ;; groups, but we don't crosspost between the group for the ;; (ding) list and the group for other (ding) related mail. (& ;;(| (any "ding@ifi\.uio\.no" "ding.list") ;; ("subject" "ding" "ding.misc")) ;; Other mailing lists... (any "fsf-edu@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-wg@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-wg@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-discuss@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-friends@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-friends@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "bug-hurd-admin@gnu\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs") (any "l4-hurd@gnu\.org" "L4_Hurd") (any "bug-hurd@gnu\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs") (any "debian-hurd-request@lists\.debian\.org" "Debian_GNUslashHurd") (any "linux-kernel-digest.*" "Linux Kernel Digest") (any "gnuyahoo-bugs@lists\.sourceforge\.net" "GNUYahoo") (any ".*guile-devel.*" "GuileDevel") (any ".*guile-user.*" "GuileUser") (any ".*guile-sources.*" "GuileSources") (any "fsf-edu@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-india-dev@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-india-prog@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-india@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "gnu-india@gnu-india\.org" "GNU_India") (any "reader-list@sarai\.net" "Sarai") (any "\(linux-delhi@lists\.linux-india\.org\|ilugd@wpaa\.org\)" "LinuxDelhi") (any "compsci99@yahoogroups\.com" "CompSci99") (any "@citicorp\.com" "CitiBank") ;; Both lists below have the same suffix, so prevent ;; cross-posting to mkpkg.list of messages posted only to ;; the bugs- list, but allow cross-posting when the ;; message was really cross-posted. ;; (any "bugs-mypackage@somewhere" "mypkg.bugs") ;; (any "mypackage@somewhere" - "bugs-mypackage" "mypkg.list") ;; ;; People... ;; (any "larsi@ifi\.uio\.no" "people.Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen")) (any "rms@gnu\.org" "RMS") (any "ab@gnu\.org\.in.*" "gnu-org-in") (any "ab@gnu-india\.org" "gnu-india-org") ;; (any "ab@fig\.org" "fig-org") ;; (any "anand.babu@californiadigital\.com" "CaliforniaDigital") ;; Unmatched mail goes to the catch all group. ) "mail.misc"))
;; Let's say you subscribe to a couple of mailing lists, and you want ;; the articles you have read to disappear after a while: ;; (setq gnus-auto-expirable-newsgroups ;; "GNUslashHurd_Bugs\|L4MicroKernel")
;; move all auto-expired mails to nnml:expired group instead ;; deleting (setq nnmail-expiry-target "nnml:expired")
==============================[.gnus.el-IMAP]============================ ==============================[.gnus.el-POP4]============================ ;;; .gnus.el: ab's POP3 configuration.
;; ;;; Say how Gnus is to store the mail. We use nnml groups. (setq gnus-select-method (quote (nnml ""))) (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods nil)
;; (setq mail-sources (quote ((pop :server "" :user "" :password "XXXXXXX" :authentication apop))))
(setq mail-sources '((pop :server "" :user "" ;; :password "XXXXXXX"))) :password "XXXXXXX" :authentication "apop"))) ;; secure POP protocol ;; (file :path "~/Mail/archive")))
;; Archiving articles ; Set up the archiving. ; In plain terms: ; - Everything will be stored under ~/Mail/archive directory. ; - mail will be stored under that directory in mail/YYYY-MM ; by date. ; - News articles are stored in file news/posted. (setq gnus-message-archive-group "Archive")
(setq gnus-message-archive-method '(nnfolder "archive" (nnfolder-directory "~/Mail/archive") (nnfolder-active-file "~/Mail/archive/active") (nnfolder-get-new-mail nil) (nnfolder-inhibit-expiry t)))
(setq gnus-ignored-from-addresses (concat "\(ab@californiadigital\.com\)\|" "\(ab@gnu\.org\.in\)\|" "\(anand.babu@californiadigital\.com\)"))
;; Disable CC: to self in wide replies and stuff (setq message-dont-reply-to-names gnus-ignored-from-addresses)
;; when a new followup arrives in a thread, I see the previous ;; messages from that thread, too ;; (setq gnus-fetch-old-headers t)
;; By default, if you have auto expiry switched on, Gnus will mark all ;; the articles you read as expirable, no matter if they were read or ;; unread before. To avoid having articles marked as read marked as ;; expirable automatically, you can put something like the following in ;; your `.gnus' file: ;; (remove-hook 'gnus-mark-article-hook ;; 'gnus-summary-mark-read-and-unread-as-read) ;; (add-hook 'gnus-mark-article-hook 'gnus-summary-mark-unread-as-read)
;; And before you leave for lunch, you hit C-c C-M-x, or M-x ;; gnus-group-expire-all-groups RET ;; (remove-hook 'gnus-summary-prepare-exit-hook ;; 'gnus-summary-expire-articles)
(setq nnmail-split-abbrev-alist '((any . "from\|to\|cc\|sender\|apparently-to\|resent-from\|resent-to\|resent-cc") (mail . "mailer-daemon\|postmaster\|uucp") (to . "to\|cc\|apparently-to\|resent-to\|resent-cc") (from . "from\|sender\|resent-from") (list . "list-id\|x-mailing-list\|to\|cc\|sender")))
(setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy nnmail-split-fancy ;; Messages from the mailer daemon are not crossposted to any of ;; the ordinary groups. Warnings are put in a separate group ;; from real errors. '(| ("from" mail (| ("subject" "warn.*" "mail.warning") "mail.misc")) ;; Non-error messages are crossposted to all relevant ;; groups, but we don't crosspost between the group for the ;; (ding) list and the group for other (ding) related mail. (& ;;(| (any "ding@ifi\.uio\.no" "ding.list") ;; ("subject" "ding" "ding.misc")) ;; Other mailing lists... (any "fsf-edu@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-wg@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-wg@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-discuss@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-friends@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-friends@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "l4-hurd@gnu\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs") (any "l4-hurd-request@gnu\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs") (any "bug-hurd-admin@gnu\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs") (any "bug-hurd@gnu\.org" "GNUslashHurd_Bugs") (any "debian-hurd-request@lists\.debian\.org" "Debian_GNUslashHurd") (any "linux-kernel-digest.*" "Linux Kernel Digest") (any "freeipmi-devel@nongnu\.org" "FreeIPMI") (any "*.freehoo.*" "Freehoo") (any "gnuyahoo-bugs@lists\.sourceforge\.net" "GNUYahoo") (any ".*guile-devel.*" "GuileDevel") (any ".*guile-user.*" "GuileUser") (any ".*guile-sources.*" "GuileSources") (any "fsf-edu@mm\.gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-india-dev@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-india-prog@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "fsf-india@gnu\.org\.in" "FSF_India") (any "gnu-india@gnu-india\.org" "GNU_India") (any "reader-list@sarai\.net" "Sarai") (any "\(linux-delhi@lists\.linux-india\.org\|ilugd@wpaa\.org\)" "LinuxDelhi") (any "compsci99@yahoogroups\.com" "CompSci99") (any "@citicorp\.com" "CitiBank") ;; Both lists below have the same suffix, so prevent ;; cross-posting to mkpkg.list of messages posted only to ;; the bugs- list, but allow cross-posting when the ;; message was really cross-posted. ;; (any "bugs-mypackage@somewhere" "mypkg.bugs") ;; (any "mypackage@somewhere" - "bugs-mypackage" "mypkg.list") ;; ;; People... ;; (any "larsi@ifi\.uio\.no" "people.Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen")) (any "rms@gnu\.org" "RMS") (any "ab@gnu\.org\.in.*" "gnu-org-in") (any "ab@gnu-india\.org" "gnu-india-org") ;; (any "ab@fig\.org" "fig-org") ;; (any "anand.babu@californiadigital\.com" "CaliforniaDigital") ;; Unmatched mail goes to the catch all group. ) "mail.misc"))
;; Let's say you subscribe to a couple of mailing lists, and you want ;; the articles you have read to disappear after a while: ;; (setq gnus-auto-expirable-newsgroups ;; "GNUslashHurd_Bugs\|L4MicroKernel")
;; move all auto-expired mails to nnml:expired group instead ;; deleting (setq nnmail-expiry-target "nnml:expired")
;;; Make Gnus into an offline newsreader. ;; (gnus-agentize) ==============================[.gnus.el-POP4]============================