If there are no further objections to the Gnu-Peacock combination, Gopal, can you put your artistic hat on again and come up with a draft artwork for the logo?
Ideally, it should be some kind of outline artwork (with a transparent background perhaps?) without any dependence on colour.
If memory serves me right, Khuzaima A. Lakdawala wrote:
Gopal, can you put your artistic hat on again and come up with a draft artwork for the logo?
This is *way* beyond my level :(
I'm tied down by the crazy thing called a "mouse" .
Ideally, it should be some kind of outline artwork (with a transparent background perhaps?) without any dependence on colour.
What I think will be good will be a pen&ink style peacock in an upwards semicircle formed by its head and tail. With the GNU head between the peacock and the upper semicircle of "Free Software Foundation India". But I lack the skills or equipment to draw it.
PS: My gimp mainly deals with geometric shapes (using script-fu). that's fine for most web development -- but a peacock !
Gopal.V writes:
Gopal, can you put your artistic hat on again and come up with a draft artwork for the logo?
This is *way* beyond my level :(
Okay :) Let us hope and wish that someone on this list knows a professional graphic artist who can do this for us.
I don't understand the importance of having a seperate FSF-I logo. But if it's absolutely necessary I suggest the text 'FSF India' or 'India' below the official GNU/FSF logo, i.e. GNU's head. Preferably in a simple Helvetica like font. I personally don't like the idea of playing with a nice logo just for amusment. We know that the GNU head is the GNU project's logo, but someone new to GNU/FSF would be confused looking at FSF-I's exotic peacock/flag/map/ashok chakra combination wondering if the peacock is GNU's logo. The GNU project is a global one, imagine FSF-I, FSF-China, FSF-Europe, FSF-France, etc cooking their own logo's. Not useful and doesn't serve any purpose. Let's not confuse people.
I'm working on brochure sized paper cards with a brief description of what is free software. Such cards would be useful for notice boards where people might not be interested in reading the entire definition of free software. I think the creative heads on this list could design things that can be distributed at user group meetings where the free software philosophy is not discussed everytime. Thanks, Vinay Pawar, Pune. zoyd@gmx.net
On 22 Mar 2002 17:08:01 +0530 klak@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in (Khuzaima A. Lakdawala) wrote:
If there are no further objections to the Gnu-Peacock combination, Gopal, can you put your artistic hat on again and come up with a draft artwork for the logo?
Ideally, it should be some kind of outline artwork (with a transparent background perhaps?) without any dependence on colour.
-- Khuzaima A. Lakdawala _______________________________________________ Fsf-web mailing list Fsf-web@mm.gnu.org.in http://mm.gnu.org.in/mailman/listinfo/fsf-web
If memory serves me right, Vinay Pawar wrote:
The GNU project is a global one, imagine FSF-I, FSF-China, FSF-Europe, FSF-France, etc cooking their own logo's.
BTW, FSF-Europe has its own logo . It's the GNU with a picture of greek godess Europa. And FSF is *not* the GNU project -- FSF supports *all* GNU GPL'd software .
Not useful and doesn't serve any purpose.
It is FSF-I's identity. I think this is not a bad idea at all. But I don't think it is a good idea to call in a professional artist and pay him , as of today.
I think the creative heads on this list could design things that can be distributed at user group meetings where the free software philosophy is not discussed everytime.
dead tree editions ? , it's simply too costly to do that in any effective way -- unless people buy it !
On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 12:06:44 +0530, Vinay Pawar zoyd@gmx.net wrote:
I don't understand the importance of having a seperate FSF-I logo. But if it's absolutely necessary I suggest the text 'FSF India' or 'India' below the official GNU/FSF logo, i.e. GNU's head. Preferably in a simple Helvetica like font.
This is indeed the best logo suggestion to date :)
Vinay, if you had stepped in earlier you would have saved us all a lot of bandwidth and cpu-cycles :)
BTW, this logo discussion didn't arise in a vacuum. We were simply trying to follow up on what was resolved in a FSF-I WG meeting in January, whose minutes stated:
It was also felt that the site could do with a new design that, while incorporating elements of www.gnu.org , could reflect an Indian identity. This would include designing a new and, again, distinctly Indian, logo for FSF India...
And it never occurred to anybody on the list that just mentioning "FSF India" below a GNU Head would make it "distinctly Indian" :)
I assure you that we were not doing this "just for amusement" as alleged by you :)
The whole idea of discussing the design of the logo and indeed also the website on an open list is to ascertain everybody's views and objections. Since you feel so strongly against going in for an "exotic" logo, let us shelve it.
A Gnu head with the text "FSF India" at the bottom would make a perfectly fine logo indeed.
Regards, Khuzaima
Some afterthoughts about the logo (hope Vinay doesn't mind ;)
To the general public, the acronym FSF wouldn't make much sense so it would be better to use the full form.
And to make the logo complete, we should put in our url too.
So, the next draft :) would be:
A smiling Gnu head (the same one that presently adorns our front page) encircled by the text "Free Software Foundation - India" in the upper semi-circle and "www.fsf.org.in" in the lower.
Gopal? :) Remember, no color.
If memory serves me right, Khuzaima A. Lakdawala wrote:
A smiling Gnu head (the same one that presently adorns our front page) encircled by the text "Free Software Foundation - India" in the upper semi-circle and "www.fsf.org.in" in the lower.
After trying to balance "Free Software Foundation - India" at a readable quality (>18pt font) as a circle round the GNU Head -- I gave up and put it in a more prominent spot up front (with a 24pt font).
Any problems with giving FSF the top (*cough*) spot ?.
Gopal? :) Remember, no color.
This is *pure* grayscale.
Also take a look at the file size ;)
On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 04:32:35PM +0530, Gopal.V wrote:
If memory serves me right, Khuzaima A. Lakdawala wrote:
A smiling Gnu head (the same one that presently adorns our front page) encircled by the text "Free Software Foundation - India" in the upper semi-circle and "www.fsf.org.in" in the lower.
After trying to balance "Free Software Foundation - India" at a readable quality (>18pt font) as a circle round the GNU Head -- I gave up and put it in a more prominent spot up front (with a 24pt font).
Any problems with giving FSF the top (*cough*) spot ?.
Gopal? :) Remember, no color.
This is *pure* grayscale.
Also take a look at the file size ;)
I looked at the logo. Usually it is not a good idea to use serif font. The intercharacter distance is too much, you can reduce that and see how it looks. The oval could be little closer.
If memory serves me right, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
I looked at the logo. Usually it is not a good idea to use serif font. The intercharacter distance is too much, you can reduce that and see how it looks. The oval could be little closer.
I used the Times font that came with Abiword . I spread it out a little to reduce a crowded look. I can reduce the oval , but haven't got much hope .
This is the same semi circle spec as the original stuff I submitted. I'll change and mail you the copy
Something: http://zoyd.tomk32.de/gnu/fsfilogo.html Any suggestions ? I'm also trying a simple fsf-i website design that would have an effective(hopefully) Indian element to it. I'll put it up in a day or two. Regards, Vinay Pawar, Pune.
On 25 Mar 2002 10:46:17 +0530 klak@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in (Khuzaima A. Lakdawala) wrote:
Some afterthoughts about the logo (hope Vinay doesn't mind ;)
To the general public, the acronym FSF wouldn't make much sense so it would be better to use the full form.
And to make the logo complete, we should put in our url too.
So, the next draft :) would be:
A smiling Gnu head (the same one that presently adorns our front page) encircled by the text "Free Software Foundation - India" in the upper semi-circle and "www.fsf.org.in" in the lower.
Gopal? :) Remember, no color.
-- Khuzaima A. Lakdawala
I looked at the logo. Usually it is not a good idea to use serif font. The intercharacter distance is too much, you can reduce that and see how it looks. The oval could be little closer.
Also, the word "INDIA" seems out of place. I don't think it's a good idea to decouple it from the name of the organisation.
http://zoyd.tomk32.de/gnu/fsfilogo.html Any suggestions ?
Zoyd, lose the border. And how about something incorporating the full name of the organisation as well as the url?
Regards, Khuzaima
If memory serves me right, Khuzaima A. Lakdawala wrote:
Also, the word "INDIA" seems out of place. I don't think it's a good idea to decouple it from the name of the organisation.
IIRC, FSF-India was a branch of FSF in India . Or is it a seperate autonomous organization ?. (But RMS is in FSF-I too)
The reason why I use Times is the antialiasing is better for scalable fonts . The -adobe-helvetica I have is a scaled bitmap font -- which produces rough edges.
Also to solve your quandary , I'm sending out a copy of one of the images I have at hand.
It is in Helvetica and with the India part on the top semicircle.