Hi Friends,
There is new 'Resources' page on our wiki
'http://bangalore.gnu.org.in'.Try to take full
advantage of the RSS service.Well, you got yourself
the shiny build of firefox,try to 'rss' button on the
bottom right.
Its cool, no more searching for rss pluggins for
mozilla.For console addicts there is snownews.
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\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
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Morning Friends,
Watch how bands with a passion for music and
changing the way music is distrubted thro internet.
[Real Media File,do a wget]
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Hi Guys,
In case anyone of you is planning to attend Linux Bangalore on Dec
1,2, and 3, we can plan to meet up at the venue. Any suggestions?
Been post some news snippets lately,please review?
Perhaps we move NEWS to a different pager from the
main page.
Sajith can you wave your magic wand and do some great
re-arrange the main page.
What I have in mind!!
[1]Why don't we move from the initial design style of
having most of the content on the main page to have a
better navigation spread over different pages.
Its really take-off the stress on the webserver.
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\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
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| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
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Hi list,
Am not a great fan of knoppix but this method of
remastering knoppix by the author of Oreilly's
'Knoppix Hacks' Books is worth mention.
Its interesting coz you do save burning of multiple
test CD's but also distrubute desktop
changes/customization for any available knoppix CD.
Knoppix Old hands will not be impressed with this
Ble'ow me down!! Am not impressed if you are old hand
and didn't thing of this hack in the first place.
Flame me
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\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
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| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
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Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
Why should I be alone crying over a damn news that
spoiled a great bangalore morning.
So here am to ruin your perfect morning.
Microsoft signs a MoU with Ministry of Primary and
Secondary Education to train 15,000 teachers.The
project is aptly title 'Shiksha,empowering the
future',Ah how true..., the stench of M$ is truely
__empowering <gasp><elp>__
Shiksha, also means punishment,how true !!!
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\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
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Hello Friends,
Its is so unfortunate to see our Wiki being
defaced every other day.I don't know how we can tackle
this problem.Any comments,bright ideas !!
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\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
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There we go again.Check out
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This is what we can do with collective action!.The
linux@school project has walked the talk.
--- linux_schools <linux_schools(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> To: linux_schools(a)yahoogroups.co.in
> From: "linux_schools" <linux_schools(a)yahoo.com>
> Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 15:48:53 -0000
> Subject: [linux_schools] Vande Mataram, the first
> school to teach Computers using GNU/Linux in AP
> It all started by the Correspondent of the school
> Mr.Aditya Pratap Rao contacting the linux_schools
> group .
> From "vprataprao_in" <vprataprao_in@...>
> Date: Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:37 am
> Subject: Linux in School
> Hi,
> I happen to be the correspondent of a High School in
> Goshamahal and a Linux enthusiast. I am interested
> in
> introducing
> Linux in my school. I have about four / five
> computers
> in the
> computer lab. I am running Fedora on two of them,
> though I have not
> been successful in networking them.
> I was on the look out for some useful software for
> school
> kids based on linux. At last I have found a group to
> cater to the
> needs of schools.
> I am certainly ready to implement Linux in my
> school.
> Kindly let me know the details.
> Thanking in advance,
> Aditya Pratap V.
> ----
> The school has classes from LKG to 10th class.
> Strength of students is around 600.
> We planned to teach around 10 teachers first before
> teaching the students.
> The training for the teachers was started in June
> 2nd
> week. The teachers had absolutely no knowledge of
> using a computer. Teachers were given training in
> groups of 2 or 3 whenever they had spare time. Their
> normal class schedule was not disturbed. They were
> given around 10 classes training over a period of 2
> weeks, 1 hour daily.
> These were the softwares used for training the
> teachers:
> GCompris for keyboard,mouse operation etc, for about
> 5
> classes until they got accustomed to use mouse and
> keyboard with some ease.
> Also learnt advanced colour names while using
> Gcompris
> .
> Tuxtype
> Tuxpaint
> gedit for typing practice .
> Teachers used their respective class text books as
> typing material. Eg: Typing a nursery rhyme by LKG
> teacher. I need not explain the benefits of doing
> so.
> The aim is to use Computer as a learning and
> teaching
> tool to enhance the learning and teaching experience
> of any subject.
> Some teachers even had computers at home , but were
> afraid to use it. Some were very nervous that they
> didnt know anything about computers and were asking
> regulary if their progress was good.
> To make it easy for the teachers to use mouse, the
> GNOME desktop was simplified. Only the relevant
> programs mentioned above were added to the task bar.
> RedHat Start button was removed.
> Icons and taskbar were made extra large to make it
> easy for them to learn using mouse.
> We planned to teach the Higher classes like 10th
> standard first and teach the lower classes one by
> one.
> 10th class were briefly introduced to theory and
> then
> they practised for around 10 days since they have to
> concentrate on board exams.
> And the school intends to teach computers from 5th
> class to 10th class
> students only.
> The 9th class students have been given unique
> project
> of preparing a magazine in groups of 8 students.
> They
> have to collect information from various sources
> like
> newspaper, books,magazines etc . At a time 2
> students
> work on the project on a computer.
> These may be useful tips for other schools:
> 1. Don't burden the students with Computer Science
> syllabus (Like
> Word,excel,powerpoint,internet,Programming etc ),
> who
> are already over burdened by their normal school
> syllabus.(Internet may be good when supervised and
> controlled.In many
> schools,most of the time it is being used for
> playing online games
> and other timewasting things. Also it may take a few
> more years in
> India when internet becomes as cheap as cable tv)
> 2.Keep in mind "LESS IS MORE".
> 3.Teach only basics. Invent/device/create/experiment
> activities using Computers to complement and enhance
> the learning and teaching process of different
> school subjects.
> Car driver doesnt need to know how to repair a car
> or
> how to design a car. He just has to learn driving
> and
> use it to travel .Using imagination we can travel to
> interesting places.
> In the same way use the computer
> for doing creative activities like creating a
> magazine, creating paintings by children using
> tuxpaint and so on.
> I definitely feel, a lot of
> interesting and creative activities will be carried
> out at Vandemataram High school in the years to
> come.
> There are enough educational softwares in K12LTSP to
> explore and more are being added with every new
> release.
> Vande Mataram !!!
> -----------------
> I am extremely thankful to Mr.Aditya Pratap Rao, for
> giving me an
> opportunity to implement K12LTSP Linux in the
> school. I also thank the
> teachers who showed great enthusiasm to learn and
> patiently followed
> the theory and practicals .
> Cheers
> Herald D'Sa.
> P.S: Please let me know if there is any school which
> has implemented
> GNU/Linux in school in AP, before Vande Mataram has
> done so.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> <*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
> http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/linux_schools/
> <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email
> to:
> linux_schools-unsubscribe(a)yahoogroups.co.in
> <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
> http://in.docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
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