I replied so there will be something we can do for FSUGB... hope this
is okay ;)
----- Forwarded message from Suraj <suraj(a)symonds.net> -----
From: Suraj <suraj(a)symonds.net>
Subject: Re: demo@Schools - Designer wanted
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:08:44 -0700
To: Joep Gommers <jgommers(a)the-nation.nl>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040722i
Joep Gommers wrote:
| This email as a reaction on ad on savannah. We'd like to contribute
| our designer resources, say some hours a months, for your cause. Let
| uw know, what we can do!
Thanks for Volunteering, Joep. There is a good news and a The bad
news. The Bad news first: demo@schools is defunct. The good news is
that Free Software User Group Bangalore (India) is planning to do
activities similar to Demo@Schools and we will certainly need your
Please hold on to your email while I forward your mail to my FSUG here
to get their feedback!
| Swati Tirunal was called Garbha Sriman because he was king even in his mother'
| s womb.
----- End forwarded message -----
| VaraaLi is said to be an inauspicious raga to teach.