Hello Smitha,
I was involved in setting up LTSP in Atmashree school
last month. All setup is complete and classes have
Is it possible for you to visit the school and take a
look at the lab ? With your previous experience, your
feedback will be very welcome.
The address of the school is
PHONE: 91-80-26771481
Also you can contact Mr Devar at 26793922. Just
mention that you wanted to visit the lab.
--- Rakesh 'arky' Ambati <rakesh_ambati(a)yahoo.com>
> Dear Friends,
> Arun sends this email from Smitha Rao, Please
> contact
> her if you can help her.
> After helping Atma shree school, I think we can help
> Synaptic Schools Team to adopt Free Software using
> LTSP software.Anyone interested to be part of this
> venture.
> --arky
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Smitha Rao <smitha.a.rao(a)gmail.com>
> > Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:42:07 +0530
> > Subject: procuring GNU cdrom.
> > To: fsf-webmaster(a)gnu.org.in
> >
> >
> > Sir:
> > I am Smitha Rao, an Architect based in B'lore
> I
> > am part of a
> > non-profit ,Synaptic Shools Team, which works
> > towards 'education in
> > rural underpriviledged schools through IT'.
> > We have executed projects in rural parts of
> > Chitradurga and Bellary
> > districts in Karnataka state.We support schools
> with
> > computers and
> > support them with revelant softwares and train the
> > teacherst o execute
> > the computer programme.The content that goes into
> > the programme is
> > necessarily in the local language Kannada.Cds by
> > Azimpremji
> > Foundation, Linkedusoft, Kannada Ganka Parishath
> > have been the core of
> > our programme.
> > For our future projects we would like to switch
> from
> > proprietory to
> > open source softwares.We would like to propogate
> use
> > of Linux and open
> > office.It would be of great help if you could tell
> > us how to go about
> > getting the GNU/Linux OS cdrom.
> > Regards,
> > smitha
> >
> ____________________________________
> /\ \
> \_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
> | Bangalore (INDIA) |
> | Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
> | _______________________________|_
> \_/_________________________________/
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Make Yahoo! your home page
> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> fsug-bangalore-unsubscribe(a)lists.deeproot.co.in
> For additional commands, e-mail:
> fsug-bangalore-help(a)lists.deeproot.co.in
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Dear Friends,
Arun sends this email from Smitha Rao, Please contact
her if you can help her.
After helping Atma shree school, I think we can help
Synaptic Schools Team to adopt Free Software using
LTSP software.Anyone interested to be part of this
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Smitha Rao <smitha.a.rao(a)gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:42:07 +0530
> Subject: procuring GNU cdrom.
> To: fsf-webmaster(a)gnu.org.in
> Sir:
> I am Smitha Rao, an Architect based in B'lore I
> am part of a
> non-profit ,Synaptic Shools Team, which works
> towards 'education in
> rural underpriviledged schools through IT'.
> We have executed projects in rural parts of
> Chitradurga and Bellary
> districts in Karnataka state.We support schools with
> computers and
> support them with revelant softwares and train the
> teacherst o execute
> the computer programme.The content that goes into
> the programme is
> necessarily in the local language Kannada.Cds by
> Azimpremji
> Foundation, Linkedusoft, Kannada Ganka Parishath
> have been the core of
> our programme.
> For our future projects we would like to switch from
> proprietory to
> open source softwares.We would like to propogate use
> of Linux and open
> office.It would be of great help if you could tell
> us how to go about
> getting the GNU/Linux OS cdrom.
> Regards,
> smitha
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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Dear Friends,
Please show your support by signing the petition to
request VTU to adopt Free Software.
--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 01:49:36 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)"
> <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> To: fsf-friends(a)gnu.org.in
> Subject: [Fsf-friends] RMS has signed the appeal to
> the VTU. Have you?
> http://bangalore.gnu.org.in/?VTU-FLOSS_Campaign [See
> serial # 80]
> >From Richard Stallman <rms at gnu.org>: Schools of
> all levels should
> insist on Free Software, because proprietary
> software prohibits learning
> and builds dependency. See
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/schools.html
> _____
> _/ ____\____ Frederick Noronha * Freelance
> Journalist * Goa
> \ __\/ \ India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822
> 122436
> | | | | \ http://fn.swiki.net
> http://goabooks.swiki.net
> |__| |___| / http://www.bytesforall.net
> http://www.bytesforall.org
> \/
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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Dear Friends,
Over a year ago, FSUG was born on this very day.Let us
wish it a very happy birthday ;o)
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--- Ramanraj K <ramanraj(a)iqara.net> wrote:
> Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
> >Hoping for active your support.
> >
> Well, we all used Microsoft Word to submit our
> project documents for
> review and for other academic purposes. Now we
> have Open Office
> which is as good as Microsoft Office and has the
> same
> features.Microsoft Office lacks some features
> like PDF(Portable
> Document Format) support, compatibility with
> older versions of
> Microsoft Office, lack a vector drawing
> application,etc. Open Office
> gives you everything starting from word
> processor, presentation
> software to PDF generator [Fully compatible with
> Microsoft Office --
> So already existing data in those formats can be
> used]. Don't you
> think it's the right time to save money of a
> poor student ?
> I never used Microsoft Word that way, and probably
> may other signatories
> also have not. Please remove all references to
> non-free stuff.
Well, me neither.But Please understand the letter was
written by Thejesh who was trying to explain the
alternative Free Software programs which are available
for common jobs in academic institution.Please try to
improve the letter to present the issue correctly.
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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Hoping for active your support.
--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)"
> <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> To: linux-india-general(a)lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [LIG] INDIA: Request to sign a petition
> favouring Free Software in the campus
> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 05:21:14 +0530 (IST)
> Please sign this petition if you agree with it...
> it's an attempt to convince a
> prominent technological university in Bangalore
> (VTU) to be opened to the use
> of Free Software too.
> http://bangalore.gnu.org.in/?VTU-FLOSS_Campaign
> Krishna Pagadala, San Jose, USA. I have benefitted
> highly from the Free
> Software movement and the Freedoms it has provided.
> Specifically the Freedom to
> learn from the source code has helped me in getting
> a high-technology job in
> the US. I wish that all students enjoy the all the
> Software Freedoms.
> Pramode C.E, IC Software: I would like to add that
> there are efforts under way
> to develop innovative hardware experimentation
> platforms using GNU/Linux to
> improve the quality of Physics (as well as
> Engineering) education; and the best
> part is that it's being done in India. Please visit
> http://www.nsc.res.in/~elab/phoenix/ to know more
> about the `Phoenix Project'
> being developed by Ajith Kumar at the Nuclear
> Science Centre, India. The wealth
> of high quality tools and the open nature of the
> platform is of immense value
> to young engineers and scientists raring to unleash
> their creativity; the
> lessons in freedom and sharing that students learn
> by using GNU/Linux will also
> go a long way in shaping their character as caring
> and responsible human
> beings.
> ashidhar b desai ,6th sem E&C, B.V.Bhoomaraddi
> College of Engineering &
> Technology Hubli,Karnataka,India ,FLOSS is an
> excellent alternative for the
> existing commercial softwares..Academics(colleges
> and univ) is the best way to
> promote and support "Free Software".It will be a
> great initiative if the univ
> adopts it(it will become an example for other univ &
> institutes). News about
> open source and gnu/linux stuff---Indian Inside .
> Lets get Liberated.LONG LIVE
> Praveen Arimbrathodiyil (National Instititute of
> Technology, Calicut) Fri Mar
> 11 17:34:50 IST 2005 We use GNU/Linux in our main
> Computer center. It saves a
> lot of money of the college as there is no licence
> fee to be paid for each
> users. Since the source code of the softwares are
> available many computer
> science students do projects based on Linux kernel
> and other such projects. The
> possibility of use of thin-clients (which our
> computer center use) reduces the
> cost of hardware dramatically. It has proved to be
> beneficial to our college
> and I urge you to chose Free Software for giving a
> better alternative for
> students.
> Debapriyo Sarkar. Final year student of BCA, Goa. As
> a student, I plead to
> every university, to adopt, encourage and spread the
> use of Free/Libre Open
> Source Software (FLOSS). The benefits are clearly
> far-more significant than
> cost savings (which of course is a huge motivating
> factor). The quality of
> software reviewed and worked on by virtually the
> entire developer community of
> the world is definitely at least world-class if
> nothing else. It is possible to
> save on costs with $0 priced closed source software
> often termed as freeware,
> but the limited resources of the single developer or
> the couple of developers
> behind the software makes future of such software
> bleak. Compared to that,
> software released under an open source license,
> helps user as well as developer
> involvement to happen as deeply and transparent as
> no other licensing model can
> support. As the letter includes the following
> (stripped) statement "...Octave,
> which is simulation software written by University
> professors. This usually
> comes with the GNU/Linux Operating System." which
> clearly shows that professors
> of universities elsewhere have contributed to the
> solution of making quality
> software available to the students and colleges
> alike under a license that
> welcomes further contributions to improve the
> project virtually endlessly. As a
> personal experience, I often have used open source
> alternatives whenever
> acquiring the proprietary packages meant depending
> on the lab assistant to
> provide the CD for illegal copying or genuinely
> going out and shelling out all
> those huge wads of cash for functionality that was
> already at my disposal with
> added advantage of continuing development and a
> long-life (of the software). As
> universities use and recommend use of open source
> software,rate of development
> is bound to grow with more and more students using
> the same version of software
> both at college and home (no limited cheap "student"
> edition which are "cheap"
> imitations with myriad "limitations"). Also
> professors' contributions in the
> form of bug reports, bug fixes, new functionality
> patches and their work in
> increasing awareness about the benefits of using
> open source software would
> help improve quality of free software to an enormous
> extent.
> Vijay Kumar, Chennai, India.
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/schools.html
> .P.Sujeevan,Project leader, S2S2, Kerala .Here at
> kerala at school level more
> than 50 of schools are still using GNU/Linux.Also
> SSLC IT practical examination
> has successfully done under the linux operating
> system.Some schools are still
> using the Linux terminal server systems.Next year
> aggressive work is planning
> to implement complete linux environment in
> schools.http://s2s2net.netfirms.com
> _____
> _/ ____\____ Frederick Noronha * Freelance
> Journalist * Goa
> \ __\/ \ India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822
> 122436
> | | | | \ http://fn.swiki.net
> http://goabooks.swiki.net
> |__| |___| / http://www.bytesforall.net
> http://www.bytesforall.org
> \/
> Writing with a difference, on issues that really
> make the difference.
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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Dear Friends,
Its hightime that we look at how we are gonna run this
group.Someone should take the little test on this
Thanks FN ;o)
happy hacking ...
--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 23:50:43 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)"
> <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> To: fsf-friends(a)gnu.org.in
> Subject: [Fsf-friends] REcipe for a Successful
> [GNU]Linux User Group
> The most recent version of this essay can be found
> at
> http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Linux_PR/newlug.html.
> Recipe for a Successful Linux User Group
> by Rick Moen
> See the full essay online ****** Really good. -FN
> 1. You need a Web page.
> 2. Your Web page needs a reasonable URL.
> 3. You need a regular meeting location.
> 4. You need a regular meeting time.
> 5. You need to avoid meeting-time conflicts.
> 6. You need to make sure that meetings happen as
> advertised, without fail.
> 7. You need a core of several Linux enthusiasts.
> 8. Your core volunteers need out-of-band methods of
> communication.
> 9. You need to get on the main lists of LUGs, and
> keep your entries accurate.
> * http://www.ssc.com/glue/
> * http://lugww.counter.li.org/
> * http://nlug.org/webring/
> * http://www.redhat.com/apps/community/LUG/
> * http://www.linux.org/groups/
> *
> *
> Operating_Systems/Unix/Linux/User_Groups/
> 10. You must have login access to maintain your Web
> pages, as needed.
> 11. Design your Web page to be forgiving of deferred
> maintenance.
> 12. Always include the day of the week, when you
> cite event dates. Always check
> that day of the week, first, using gcal [2] (or
> cal). gcal is your friend.
> 13. Place time-sensitive and key information
> prominently near the top of your
> main Web page.
> 14. Include maps and directions to your events.
> 15. Emphasise on your main page that your meeting
> will be free of charge and
> open to the public (if it is).
> 16. You'll want to include an RSVP "mailto"
> hyperlink, on some events.
> 17. Use referral pages.
> 18. Make sure every page has a revision date and
> maintainer link.
> 19. Check all links, at intervals.
> 20. You may want to consider establishing a LUG
> mailing list.
> 21. You don't need to be in the Internet Service
> Provider business.
> 22. Don't go into any other business, either.
> 23. Walk the walk.
> LUG checklist.
> The following checklist may be useful for your
> group, once established.
> 1. Web page:
> a. Meetings:
> [ ] Current meeting info? Is it prominent?
> [ ] Day of the week? Beginning time? Ending time?
> [ ] Double-checked day/date matches against a
> calendar?
> (E.g., is the "Friday, March 28" you listed an
> error, because the 28th is a
> Thursday?)
> [ ] Location?
> [ ] Map?
> [ ] Directions (car, public transit)? Parking tips?
> [ ] Information on the next several meetings?
> [ ] RSVP mailto link on meetings where this is
> needed?
> [ ] Note that meetings are free and open to the
> public (if they are)?
> [ ] If there's a special fee, is it disclosed next
> to the event listing?
> [ ] If location / time / date formula has changed
> recently, is this noted
> prominently?
> [ ] Have you checked for event conflicts with other
> nearby groups, or with
> holidays?
> b. General:
> [ ] Includes event date-formulas (e.g., 4th
> Tuesdays)? Prominently?
> [ ] Maintainer mailto link?
> [ ] Last-revised date?
> c. Periodically (maybe every quarter):
> [ ] Checked all links on your site for dead links?
> [ ] Checked your Web server's logs for pages
> requested but not found? (You'll
> want to put a referral page at that URL.)
> [ ] Read all your Web content attentively for
> outdated content?
> 2. Other, periodical:
> [ ] Reviewed/updated all LUG lists that have entries
> concerning your group?
> [ ] Reviewed all sites that link to yours? Advised
> their webmasters of needed
> corrections?
> Last revised: 2003-08-04
> Having seen (and run) quite a few Linux user groups
> (LUGs), and observed some
> thrive and others die, I can hazard some firm
> recommendations. If you're
> thinking of starting a LUG, or are running one now,
> please ponder these
> lessons, drawn from other LUGs' experience. In fact,
> please consider reviewing
> this list from time to time, as a kind of checklist.
> d88888b d8b db Frederick Noronha * Freelance
> Journalist * Goa India
> 88' 888o 88 f r e d @ b y t e s f o r a l l .
> o r g
> 88ooo 88V8o 88 http://www.bytesforall.org *
> http://fn.swiki.net
> 88~~~ 88 V8o88 Phone 0091.832.2409490 Mobile
> 09822 122436
> 88 88 V888 784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Sonarbhat
> Saligao Goa 403511
> YP VP V8P Writing ... with a difference, on
> issues that matter
> _______________________________________________
> Fsf-friends mailing list
> Fsf-friends(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> http://mm.gnu.org.in/mailman/listinfo/fsf-friends
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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Dear Friends,
--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 20:25:25 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)"
> <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
> To: fsf-friends(a)gnu.org.in
> Subject: [Fsf-friends]
> INDIA: Appeal from FSUG-Bangalore (about
> engineering studies)
> http://bangalore.gnu.org.in/?VTU-FLOSS_Campaign
Perhaps, you already knew about this campaign, please
try to sign this one.We had more than 14 members on
the last count, I see less than 2 signatures from our
groups.Please I request you once again to take time to
look at the page.
If you don't like the idea,please shout it out.
happy hacking ..
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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Morning Fellows,
Here am starting a thread on Free Software User
Group(http://bangalore.gnu.org.in) Mailing-list.
The Story So far...
Sanjeev, who is associated with hohinc.org
initiated the process of donating a server and 5
clients for Atma Shree School here in Bangalore.During
his visit to Bangalore, he setup the LTSP GNU/Linux
with help of Herald from Hyderabad and Zabil from
Currently, Zabil helps out with maintain-ace of setup
in his spare time,the team is process of developing
GNU/Linux syllabus for school under Linux_School
project (http://linuxschools.tripod.com).
Please kindly help out this team and provide your
PS:The GNU/Linux material is available on
linux@schools project website.
--- coverify(a)yahoo.com wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am keen to be part of a project for generating
> syllabus using Linux. I want to take the document
> sent
> by Herald and customize for ATMS. I would also like
> to
> open this thread to a bigger audience. Please
> suggest
> where I can get started.
> My current thinking is that the doc useful for ATMS
> will have levels. Each level has theory, lab and
> project covered in small focussed chapters. This is
> my
> first cut at it. I will be meeting the teachers
> tomorrow and would discuss with them further.
> Level 1:
> Theory: None
> Lab : Gcompris
> Project: None
> Level 2:
> Theory: Parts of computer, login/logout, GUI,
> printing documents
> Lab :Tuxtype, Tuxpaint KBruch, K%
> Project:Drawing and take a print out
> Level 3:
> Theory: Files and directories, Scan Photos
> Lab: TuxMath, Kmplot, Gedit
> Project: Scan a photo and write about the person
> Level 4:
> Theory: LAN, Internet
> Lab: Cut & Paste, Internet Wikipedia, Abiword
> Project: Geography/History project
> Level 5:
> Theory: Email, Job related
> Lab : OO, Windows
> Project: Office project
> -sanjeev
LocalWords: arky
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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--- coverify(a)yahoo.com wrote:
> Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 19:54:12 -0800 (PST)
> From: <coverify(a)yahoo.com>
> Subject: LTSP Setup working
> To: jj3kk(a)yahoo.com, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati
> <rakesh_ambati(a)yahoo.com>
> Hi,
> With help from Zabil, the LTSP setup is working
> fine.
> Currently we have 5 diskless clients and 4 legacy
> windows mc. The windows mc have the option of
> booting
> from floppy and becoming LTSP clients. So in total
> there are 9 clients.
> The only thing left is to make the cabling neater.
> Expecting to be done by Friday. The only thing that
> did not work was the scanner. I bought the Benq4300
> USB scanner but it does not work. On invoking "sane"
> I
> get device io error.
> Internet is not yet up as I am waiting for BSNL to
> install the modem. We are getting a 256Kb broadband
> for Rs500 per month.(DataOne scheme)
> The next focus is on what we would like to teach and
> collecting the materials for it. I will be leaving
> Blore on March 10th and so the coming weekend is the
> last one I have. Please send me any useful links
> (also
> the one with the material Hearald has done). If
> possible I would like to get together this coming
> weekend to come with a syllabus for the school.
> Also can you forward this email to other linux users
> in Blore. They are welcome to come to the school
> anytime and also over the weekend to look at the
> setup. They can call me at 9341455165 for
> directions.
> I think this is the first LTSP setup in Blore (I
> love
> to be wrong) and so a little bit of awareness would
> help others.
> with regards
> sanjeev
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn
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> http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
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