hi list,
well i ve been in touch with praveen and rakesh regarding the seminar at
bmsce. hopefully we may have it this saturday. unfortunately for praveen,
could not reach my hod's cell since it was forever out of reach.
anyways we are in need of speakers. i think a maximum of 3 speakers should
do, but thats upto you guys. please decide on this and let me know.
i also need some way to contact one of you guys. someone who would actively
co-ordinate this seminar with me. rakesh has been pretty busy lately.
my no is: 9880 281847
if one of you contact me during college hours( 7:30 am to 2:00 pm) by SMS i
would call you back from my hod's room. she is insisting on talking to one
of you , but her cell....ah whatever....
we hope we can do it this saturday, but lets not rush it. it is necessary to
let enough no of students know about the seminar for which i think we must
have a few posters before a day of the seminar. A small suggestion- when you
guys have decided on the poster can we have an addition on it? it would be
just our club (protocol) logo . please let me know asap on this
lastly, we are going to have a computer science festival in mid october at
our college. this is the first time the CSE dept is having a fest of its
own. If any of you guys working , are interested in sponsoring us at the
festival please get in touch with me. the slabs have not yet been defined
but will surely be attractive!
Nirmal Thacker