(I was asked to pass this info. pass it on to your kerala friends)
Connected, Unplugged and Free
Workshop on Wireless Networking
Hosted and Boosted by the Community
December 1st and 2nd, 2006
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management -- Kerala
Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala 695 598, India
* SPACE Kerala
* IEEE Kerala Section
* Computer Society of India
Venue: IIITM-K, Nila, Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala 695 581, India
Printable pdf copy of this announcement
A hands-on workshop on Community Wireless Networking is being organized
on 01-02, Dec. 2006 at IIITM-K, Nila, Technopark. The workshop will have
a hands-on session on building community networks, with people sharing
their experiences, current developments, challenges and emerging
opportunities in the area of community wireless networking. The
inspiration for this workshop is the Air Jaldi Summit held at
Dharamsala, India in October 2006
Community Wireless
With wireless networking technologies breaking the barriers of distance
and cost, it is now feasible to network communities with meshed networks
that span towns and villages, with each node doing their bit to add to
the network. This gives rise to the possibility of developing networked
communities without the dependence on service providers and hosted by
the community, for the community.
Kerala and Community Networking
Kerala is ideally suited for propagation of such networks due to its
unique nature of having a ``rural - urban continuum'' and there being
practically no place without human habitation within a kilometre of
distance. Such networks, hosted and boosted by the community, could be
the easiest and most cost effective way to go forward for developing
urban and rural networks.
Who can attend
Anyone! Participation is specially encouraged from students, teachers,
activists, technologists, and government officials and policy makers.
Participation at the workshop is expected from several presenters from
Europe and North America, many of whom are part of the WSFII (World
Summits on Free Information Instrastructures) community and who were
also at Air Jaldi.
Please register for the program by sending an e-mail to Venkatesh
Choppella or Amarnath Raja
with the subject line: Community Wireless Workshop
Registration Fee
A registration fee of Rs. 200 will be collected at the venue to cover
the cost of lunch and refreshments for both days.
Tentative list of Speakers
* K R Srivathsan (IIITM-K and SPACE, India)
* Amarnath Raja (IEEE Kerala and SPACE, India)
* T B Dinesh (Servelots and Janastu, India)
* Rene Ejury (University of Rostock, Germany)
* Fred Pook (Magip, Goa, and Los Net, Holland)
Schedule of Events
Schedule Day Time Event
Fri, Dec 1 9:30am-10am Registration
10am-12noon Tutorial on Community Wireless
2pm-5:30pm Field/Hands-on session
Sat, Dec 2 9:30am-12noon Case Studies and Sharing of Experiences in
networking communities:
From Europe/Africa/US/Goa -- from visitors
From India (Akshaya, Nagapattinam, Pantoto, IIITM-K)
2pm-5:00pm Brainstorming Session: Challenges and opportunities in
networking communities with wireless.
[sorry for cross posting]
"Months of speculation and waiting are now over. Sun will release key parts
of Java under GPLv2 today (November 13th, Monday). The initial release today
will include the HotSpot runtime, javac compiler, JavaHelp, and Sun's Java
ME implementation. The rest of Java will be released under GPLv2 early next
Richard Stallman of the FSF has endorsed the move, and will appear on a live
web cast <> with Sun CEO
Johnathan Schwartz and software chief Rich Green. "
Great win for Free Software.
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at
Now we have updated
with blogs, photos and comments about the event. Looking forward to
your participation and support for Debian Developers Conference 06
PS: Sorry about the confusion with respect to registration and lunch.
Thanks for your concerns and we would take care of it next time.
PPS: I called it conclave (private meeting) because it was about
discussing plans for participation and the targeted audience
was those who are interested in being a part of Debian MiniConf at (which is a public event). And we had to plan for introductory
sessions as most were not familiar with Debian
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at