I just happened to come across Exaile. It is a GTK+ based media player
very similar in functionality to Amarok. I could not find any RPMs for
it though there is a package for Edgy Eft.
Installation from the tarball is nothing but 'make install', but one
can easily run into dependency hell since there is no configure script
to tell you what you need. Make sure you have:
a. python-gstreamer
b. notification-daemon
c. notify-python
d. python-sqlite2
e. python-mutagen
You might need some more, but these are what I noticed.
It is still not as polished as Amarok, but is surely nice if you can
manage to install it.
I just happened to come across Exaile. It is a GTK+ based media player
very similar in functionality to Amarok. I could not find any RPMs for
it though there is a package for Edgy Eft.
Installation from the tarball is nothing but 'make install', but one
can easily run into dependency hell since there is no configure script
to tell you what you need. Make sure you have:
a. python-gstreamer
b. notification-daemon
c. notify-python
d. python-sqlite2
e. python-mutagen
You might need some more, but these are what I noticed.
It is still not as polished as Amarok, but is surely nice if you can
manage to install it.
After the game the king and the pawn go into the same box.
-- Italian proverb
Message-Id: <20061215092844.5fc90931.laxminarayan(a)>
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Dear Friends!
Good Morning!
It gives me immense pleasure to announce the first public release of our
deepOfix Messaging Server as Free Software under the GNU General Public
License. This is culmination of last few months of hard work during
which deepOfix grown from strength to strength. deepOfix now runs in
over 200 servers in small and large organisations alike... and downloads
of the new release have already crossed 170 within 24 hours of the
You can know more about the deepOfix server from our brand new website:
We encourage you to download deepOfix and give it a try. Details on how
to do this are on the following page: [for licensing information]
There is also an installation manual which will guide you step by step
on how to install deepOfix:
The complete source code for deepOfix is available publically. You can
download the source code (and the operating system installer) from the
following page:
The downloads have been hosted on service.
We eagerly await your feedback, comments and criticism on this new
direction that deepOfix has now assumed.
Cheers, Laxminarayan G Kamath A
... on behalf of the complete DeepRoot Linux team.
i-hack-foss at DeepRoot Linux / +91 (80) 4112 4784 / 85
Getting GNU/Linux to work for you. Faster. Better. Today. Every way.
Boston, December 13th 2006 - Free Software Foundation announces that it
will officially support the Free Ryzom campaign ( with a
pledge of $60,000.
The Free Ryzom campaign was established to purchase the online game and
universe known as Ryzom, property of the now bankrupt Nevrax company,
and release the entire game as free software.
As stated by Peter T. Brown, Executive Director of the Free Software
Foundation, the FSF considers the Free Ryzom campaign "a high priority
project for the free software movement". The aim of the campaign is to
publish the source code to the entire game under the terms of the
widely-used GPL, as well as publishing all of the artwork and other
content under similar free licenses.
The Free Ryzom campaign represents a unique opportunity for the free
software movement and the emerging free gaming field. A fully free
MMORPG (massively multiplayer online roleplaying game) engine and
client/server architecture would allow the development of a myriad of
universes, each one evolving its own philosophy and unique content - but
sharing in general technical improvements. If successful, this campaign
would allow any user to create their own universe and produce their own
content based on the Ryzom/Nevrax architecture.
Since the announcement by Nevrax of their bankruptcy, the Free Ryzom
campaign has drawn together a heterogeneous community of volunteers
formed by ex-employees, current players and free software sympathizers.
With the support of the FSF, it is now expected that the campaign will
be able to increase its bid to over 200.000€.
The campaign is also seeking to create a non-profit organization to run
and maintain the current game servers. Monthly fees would be spent on
service costs and game development. Pledges can be submitted at the Free
Ryzom campaign website ( Pledges must be made within the
next few days, since the deadline for the final bid is expected sometime
before Wednesday, December 19th, depending on when the judges make their
About the Free Software Foundation
The Free Software Foundation, founded in 1985, is dedicated to promoting
computer users' right to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute
computer programs. The FSF promotes the development and use of Free (as
in freedom) Software - particularly the GNU operating system and its
GNU/Linux variants - and Free Documentation for Free Software. The FSF
also helps to spread awareness of the ethical and political issues of
freedom in the use of software. Their web site, located at,
is an important source of information about GNU/Linux. They are
headquartered in Boston, MA, USA.
About The Free Ryzom Campaign
The Free Ryzom Campaign is a community-based initiative formed to
purchase the MMORPG game Ryzom from the now-bankrupt Nevrax. Players,
former Nevrax employees, and free software sympathizers have partnered
with Olivier Lejade (former CEO of Nevrax, now CEO of Mekensleep) and
Valentin Lacambre (a well known personality related to the alternative
Internet movement in France) to purchase the game and release the source
code under the terms of the GNU GPL, and the content and artwork under
similar free licenses. For more information on their campaign, or to
make a donation pledge, please visit
info-fsf mailing list info-fsf(a)
Can someone offer pointers to Aravind? FN
On 11/12/06, Aravind Nagraj <aravindn81(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am interested to learn kernel programming
> If you know any good mentors in linux kernel programming in and around
> bangalore, let me please know. It would be great help for me.
> awaiting your reply
> thanks
> aravind
FN 9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 (phone calls after 1 pm please)
FLOSS, geeks, blogs: []
Get GNU/Hurd shell accounts from
Ask for an account at #hurd
You can also write email to (the freshly created)
<hurd-shell-account(a)> to get an account set-up for you.
Happy Hacking,
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashish R <lists(a)>
Date: 09-Dec-2006 21:45
Subject: [p_lug] Dead mailing list need some activity
To: p_lug(a)
Hi P_lugers,
Greetings! This mailing list is almost dead, we need
some activity here. ;(
Folks, Let's meet, I will be in Pondicherry from 23rd to 27th Dec. I
would like to meet some of you guys.
Danagopal, I am looking forward to meet you. If you happen to see this
plz respond.
I have a few plans for this LUG, need to discuss it with Sukrit, will
let all of you know about it, till then stay tuned!
With Warm Regards,
Ashish Rajasekhar,
My blog :
/v\ L I N U X
// \\ >Phear the Penguin<
/( )\
Yahoo! Groups Links
<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:
FN 9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 (phone calls after 1 pm please)
FLOSS, geeks, blogs: []
FN 9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 (phone calls after 1 pm please)
FLOSS, geeks, blogs: []
Dear Friends!
Good Morning!
It gives me immense pleasure to announce the first public release of our
deepOfix Messaging Server as Free Software under the GNU General Public
License. This is culmination of last few months of hard work during
which deepOfix grown from strength to strength. deepOfix now runs in
over 200 servers in small and large organisations alike... and downloads
of the new release have already crossed 170 within 24 hours of the
You can know more about the deepOfix server from our brand new website:
We encourage you to download deepOfix and give it a try. Details on how
to do this are on the following page: [for licensing information]
There is also an installation manual which will guide you step by step
on how to install deepOfix:
The complete source code for deepOfix is available publically. You can
download the source code (and the operating system installer) from the
following page:
The downloads have been hosted on service.
We eagerly await your feedback, comments and criticism on this new
direction that deepOfix has now assumed.
Cheers, Abhas.
... on behalf of the complete DeepRoot Linux team.
i-take-charge at DeepRoot Linux / +91 (80) 4112 4784 / 85
Getting GNU/Linux to work for you. Faster. Better. Today. Every way.
GPLv3 embedded in devices
By Ciaran O'Riordan <>
*Online on: 29/11/2006*
At last week's GPLv3 conference, the topic of embedded GPLv3 software came
up a few times. Below is something of a summary of those discussions. Georg
Greve <> blogged about the
so I'll avoid repeating what he covered. Suffice to say, it was an event the
organisers can be proud of, and Tokyo is a lovely and interesting place.
I think the issue of GPLv3 in embedded software falls into two categories:
warranties, and regulated hardware.
The warranties issue is quite simple. If a hardware vendor wants to say that
installing modified software voids the warranty, that's ok with GPLv3. GPLv3
says that if the software is modified, it must be able to interact with the
same online services. Warranties are not an online service, so the warranty
can be changed or voided when modified software is installed and that won't
violate GPLv3.
The more complex issue is with regulated devices such as mobile phones,
wireless cards, voting machines, and medical devices. If a company decides
to produce mobile phones, how can they use GPLv3'd software if they are
required to prevent customers from transmitting or receiving signals outside
of the permitted ranges?
With GPLv2, they could have built the phone to stop functioning if it
detects that the software has been modified. This is what has become known
as "tivoisation <>". This solves
their regulatory problem, but it means that the GPL has not done its job of
ensuring the recipient has the freedom to modify the software.
It may seem that these two goals are fundamentally incompatible, but they
are not. A solution is that the phone manufacturer can put the part of the
software which sets the signal transmission/reception into unmodifiable
memory (ROM - read-only memory), and the remaining majority of the software
can go in modifiable memory. Thus, the phone will not be used to break
regulations, and the recipient has the freedom to modify most of the
software, with the exception of the small part which it would have been
illegal to modify anyway.
This is not immune to abuse. Phone manufacturers could put all of the
software in unmodifiable memory. If they do this, we are no worse off, and
no better off, than we are today. However, it seems more likely that they
will opt to split the software between modifiable and unmodifiable, because
that way bugs can be fixed, and software updates can enable new services,
So the deal is, if they want to retain the ability to modify the software,
they have to let you modify it too. The second example of wifi cards is the
exact same.
The third example is medical devices. This issue is quite similar, just with
different hardware sizes. People have asked how certified medical devices
could ever be allowed to have modifiable software.
Maybe it's interesting to note that I haven't heard of a medical devices
manufacturer raise this issue. Maybe they know that this isn't an issue.
GPLv3 just prevents tivoisation. Do we have any evidence that current
medical devices use tivoisation?
But that's a side point. To answer the question directly, again the device
manufacturer can use unmodifiable memory. Memory can be made unmodifiable by
putting it into a ROM chip, but for medical devices, there is also the
possibility of putting a lock on the box, and/or put the box in an area not
accessible to non-certified people. I suspect that this is already the case
and that even doctors and hospital IT departments do not have access to the
firmware of X-ray machines etc.
And then the fourth example is voting machines. For this, the two key issues
are when does distribution occur, and the difference between publication and
supplying to the recipient.
If a government develops software for use on electronic voting machines, and
if it produces a thousand voting machines and sends them to each region of
the country, will the government have to give the source code, passwords
and/or encryption keys to the staff at the voting centre? According to
GPLv3, these things have to be made available to anyone you distribute the
software to, but, according to copyright law, AFAIK, no distribution has
occurred. This is just the government using the software on multiple
machines. The government has not distributed copies of the software to the
voting centres.
The second case is where a company develops the software and supplies it to
the government. Here, distribution does occur between those two parties.
However, the company only has to make the passwords and encryption keys
available to the government. If the company has a second customer, it can
set up the hardware to use different passwords or encryption keys. The
government could even make a contract with the company saying that the
company cannot give the passwords or encryption keys necessary for the
government's system to anyone else. Or further, the company can give the
government (or any recipient) the ability to change what password or
encryption keys are necessary. So even when distribution occurs, the use of
DRM for security purposes is not restricted.
If there's a case I didn't cover, please email me: ciaran-at-fsfe-dot-org.
And if you have a comment on the licence, please submit it to the
comment system <>.
>From the Tokyo event, here's my explanation in other
There's also a transcript of Richard Stallman's
last week's event.
Tags: gplv3 <>
Copyright information
This blog entry is (C) Copyright, Ciaran
2004-2006. Unless a different license is specified in the entry's body, the
following license applies: "Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire
article is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is
preserved and appropriate attribution information (author, original site,
original URL) is included".