GNU Hurd hacker Annad Babu will be presenting a talk on Hurd/Mach
When: Monday 10AM-1PM (May 1st)
where: Computer Science & Automation Dept., Indian Institue of
Science[, Malleswaram, Bangalore].
* GNU Hurd http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/
* Debain GNU/Hurd http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd
* Qemu image http://www.zabor.org/balrog/hurd/
* Indian GNU/Hurd User Group http://i-hug.sarovar.org/
* on FreeNode #hurd, #hug, #i-hug, #hurd.in
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
These are the GNU projects guidelines to participate in Google Summer of
More about Google Summer of Code http://code.google.com/soc/http://code.google.com/soc/studentfaq.html will give you Frequently asked
questions like
1. What is Summer of Code 2006?
Summer of Code 2006 is a program that offers student developers stipends to
create new open source programs or to help currently established projects.
Google will be working with a variety of open source, free software, and
technology-related groups to identify and fund several hundred projects over
a three-month period. The inaugural instance of the program, which took
place last summer, brought together 400 students and 40 mentoring
organizations from 49 countries. We'd like to include even more
organizations and participants this year.
The program's goals are to inspire young developers and provide students in
Computer Science and related fields the opportunity to do work related to
their academic pursuits during the summer, and to support existing open
source projects and organizations. Since we're looking to find developers
around the world (many of whom may have considered creating open source
software but havent yet taken the plunge), we felt that concentrating on the
student population was a good place to focus our efforts. Further, since no
single organization could possibly mentor hundreds of students working on
disparate projects, we thought it made sense to spread the work throughout
the open source and free software community. We also think that the Apache
Software Foundation (for instance) knows a lot more about what an Apache
project needs than Google does and is more likely to ensure that an
applicant gets the right kind of guidance so they can create acceptable
I really hope some of you join in. I'm sure it will be a really good
opportunity to learn with some of the best programmers of the world (and
ofcourse $4500).
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
2006/4/21, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs(a)researchut.com>:
> Praveen,
> Would be great if you could give the exact location and time. (A link
> which
> could be tracked would be much better).
Cubbon Park (our usual meeting place, victoria statue entrance, come
straight down)
Sunday 3.30 pm
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
Original Message:
From: shrave1 shrave1(a)yahoo.ca
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 01:08:57 -0000
To: blore-linux(a)yahoogroups.co.in
Subject: [blore-linux] Training programme on open source software
Special Correspondent
KOCHI: The Software Division of Computer Society of India in
association with CICC, Singapore, National Resource Centre for Free
and Open Source Software of CDAC, Chennai, and RMK Engineering
College, will hold a five-day southern regional training programme on
Open Source Software from May 22 to 26 in Chennai.
The training programme will broadly cover the following: free and open
source software and GNU/LINUX linux installations; OSS licensing and
copyright issues; desktop management, command line, file system
operations; package, user, hardware management; apache / MySQL; PHP
introduction and detailed discussion; web database connectivity -
LAMP; localization projects, etc.
On the last day (26th May 2006) of the programme, a one-day conference
on Open Source Software will be held in which the trends in open
systems and their applications in the enterprises would be dealt with
in detail.
The speakers and the resource persons for the training programme and
the conference are drawn from both academia and industry with
extensive experience in OSS.
A team of resource persons supported by CICC will provide
international perspectives to the subject.
The training programme is free and open to members of the teaching
faculty. Persons from industry, Government departments and other
organizations are also eligible.
This first southern regional programme planned in Chennai is open to
the participants from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil
Nadu. RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai (near Chennai), will host
the programme and provide the infrastructure and logistics support.
Outstation participants will be provided accommodation at the college
hostel and travel cost.
Interested candidates may get the details by sending an e-mail to
csiaoss(a)gmail.com {lt}mailto:csiaoss@gmail.com{gt} or from the
website: www.rmkec.ac.in/csiaoss/index.html
{lt}http://www.rmkec.ac.in/csiaoss/index.html{gt} The last date for
receiving the nominations is 10th May 2006.
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .
>We are meeting Sunday evening 3.30 at cubbon park. May be if you are free
after 6.30 we can have your talk and may be follow it up in the weekday
evenings as well if you are free.
Well, count me in for the sunday 3:30 meet-up at cubbon park if someone is
buying me a cuppa of tea(sorry, its too hot for coffee).
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .
2006/4/20, Sajith T S <sajith(a)gmail.com>:
> Some friends were denied trekking permission in Bandipur, in February
> I think. I am not sure about the reason. Any idea about the present
> status ?
We can discuss the details this sunday. If anyone can check the status it
would be great.
Hi there,
I checked out the telephone directory listing for Aranya Bhavan here in
malleswaram and called them. The helpful lady at the switchboard
(#23347008) directed me to call this number #23341993 . Its busy all the
time, guys try it out fellows.
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .
I suggest we meet over this weekend (how about Sunday as Saturday seems to
be working day for many).
I look forward to this trip as an excellent opportunity to build a strong
team and of course have fun. We can come out with detailed plan for the
GPLv3 event as well.
Lookinf forward to your comments.
"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr
,----[ Isaac Praveen <isaac(a)deeproot.in> ]
| Hi Anand,
| I beleive you are in Bangalore, currently.
| Would be great to have you tell us more about HURD -> its
| development, action plans. Probably the HURD users could meet up
| and you could guide us through. There are about 5-6 users currently.
| Please let us know your availability.
Except Saturday noon to Sunday evening, I am available any time.
I can give a talk on GNU/Hurd internals and may be GNU Guile too.
Anand Babu
GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
Blog [http://ab.freeshell.org]
The GNU Operating System [http://www.gnu.org]
Now that Anand Babu is here, wouldn't it be worthwhile to discuss
Google's Summer of Code as well ? Wouldn't it be neat if we can get
some students to write code for GNU ?
Speaking of this, there's this old academic project of mine which
is checked into hurdextras repository last week :
Though AB was not directly involved, I ought to buy him a chai or
something for this - it was a talk given to him at my college that
made me choose such a project. That old charm of his should surely
still work great among current generation of students as well ;-)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Google's Summer of Code 2006
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 13:26:48 -0400
From: Thomas Schwinge <tschwinge(a)gnu.org>
To: hurd-devel(a)gnu.org, bug-hurd(a)gnu.org, l4-hurd(a)gnu.org
For those who don't know it yet: Google's Summer of Code,
<URL:http://code.google.com/soc/>, is a project organized by Google where
capable students can sign up to work on tasks (software projects) that
are offered my mentoring parties. A pecuniary aid is also involved. See
the above URL for details (or ask me).
The GNU project is participating in this year's Summer of Code, which
leads to question if the Hurd project, being part of the GNU project, is
also going to offer some tasks and evaluate tasks which might possibly be
submitted by the potential workmen themselves.
I could imagine handling the task of mentoring with the help of the whole
Hurd community. That is, I'd be the official mentor for the projects
we're going to submit. But for sure I'll need a backup who would at
least care at the times I won't be available, especially for two weeks in
August (which is near the end of the project), which I'll most probably
spend with a concert band in Canada, perhaps without any possibilities to
work on the Summer of Code stuff.
Who could also imagine being a mentor for the Summer of Code?
Possible projects I thought about submitting include `libchannel',
`pfinet rewrite', `nfs / nfsd rewrite / enhancement', `GNU Mach on Xen'.
If you have ideas for other projects, please don't hesitate to tell me.
It is also possible that you come up with suggestions for projects which
you then consider yourself applying for.
Please hurry up with your answers; the deadline for submitting the
proposals is quickly getting nearer.
I am in Bangalore till end of this month. Can we all meet at some
coffee shop?
I also want to introduce few more free software hackers to our group
this time.
Anand Babu
GPG Key ID: 0x62E15A31
Blog [http://ab.freeshell.org]
The GNU Operating System [http://www.gnu.org]