Disclaimer:: These films have nothing to do with Free
Software per se, but related the coding culture of
Films for Freedom / Vikalp Bangalore presents a
weekend of contrasts.
By Godfrey Reggio with music by Philip Glass
6.30 p.m. Saturday, January 20, 2007
Centre for Film and Drama (address below)
Powaqqatsi is part of the Qatsi trilogy. It's overall
focus is on
natives of the Third World - the emerging, land-based
cultures of
Asia, India, Africa, the Middle East and South America
- and how they
express themselves through work and traditions. It is
a celebration of
the human-scale endeavor the craftsmanship, spiritual
worship, labour
and creativity that defines a particular culture. It
is also about
contrasting ways of life, and in part how the lure of
and technology and the growth of mega-cities are
having a negative
effect on small-scale cultures.
FUN @ SUN (29 min) and JULY BOYS (26 min)
>From the series CODING CULTURE
By Gautam Sonti in collaboration with Carol Upadhya
6.30 p.m. Sunday, January 21, 2007
Centre for Film and Drama (address below)
Coding Culture is a series of three films, each set in
one software
company of Bangalore. The films explore the cultures
of outsourced
work and the moulding of a new workforce.
Fun@Sun highlights the contradictory ways in which
'culture' is
invoked in the global corporate workplace. While
cultural sensitivity
training programmes validate cultural difference,
Indian software
engineers are expected to conform to the dominant
model of global
corporate culture, by learning appropriate
communication and
behaviourial styles.
July Boys explores the creation of a Silicon
Valley-style work culture
within a 'cross-border' company, that has one leg in
Bangalore and the
other in Santa Clara, California. It highlights the
emergence of new
kinds of identities (global, transnational,
cosmopolitan), that
incorporate and transcend pre-existing identities such
as the national
and the regional.
The filmmakers of Coding Culture will be present at
the screening.
Centre for Film and Drama
5th Floor, Sona Towers
71 Millers Road, Bangalore 560052
Phones: 080-22356263
Note: Starting this month, FfF,Bangalore's monthly
screenings will be
open to members only. Please do come in a little early
and register
yourselves at the screening venue.