National Convention on Free Software
3rd - 4th of March 2007, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Check out the website for more details.
A National Convention on Free Software, organised by Free Software
Foundation of India, Swecha and Dept. of History University of Hyderabad is
scheduled to be held on 3rd and 4th of March 2007 in Hyderabad. The
convention aims to have a cohesion of people who incline to have a clear
understanding in free software and the applicability of Free software in all
domains. Discussions will be held on the use of Free Software as a useful
paradigm for both software and non-software realms and its role as an
instrument for development.
* School Education
* E-governance
* Free Knowledge open access
* Open Souce Bilogy
* Higher Education and research avenues
* Media
* Localisation
* Free Software business models
* Technical education
* Software patents
* IT in Social Domains
* Free Software in Spacial Data Analysis
Vikram Vincent
Dear deepOfix Mail Server Patrons,
We are pleased to announce a new release of the deepOfix Mail Server!
Version 3.1 of the deepOfix Mail Server is a major release encompassing
a large number of fixes, enhancements and additions - all based on the
feedback we have received over the last two months.
Starting with this release, we are renaming the product as deepOfix Mail
Server (instead of deepOfix Messaging Server). We feel that this
reflects the values of the product better!
Also starting with this release we are starting to do all our
development publically. Our development source code will now be hosted
on Additionally, we are launching to small web-sites
which should enable you to track the deepOfix Mail Server Installer and
EasyPush Server Manager development in real time. These sites use the
Trac project management tool and feature
* a wiki (to share documentation, tips and HOWTOs),
* a timeline (to show you what we have been doing),
* a source code browser (so you can have a look at the source code),
* a ticketing system (to manage todo lists, bug reports and request
for features)
We now have a bunch of mailing lists to serve you:
* deepofix-announce - deepOfix-related low-traffic announcement list
* deepofix-users - a mailing list for deepOfix users and patrons
* deepofix-devel - developer-oriented mailing list
Please do give the new deepOfix Mail Server a try. As always, we will
eagerly await any feedback, criticism, bug reports, wisdom or advice
that you might have for us.
The deepOfix Mail Server Development Team
at DeepRoot Linux ...
Getting GNU/Linux to work for you. Faster. Better. Today. Every way.
* Download the deepOfix Mail Server Install CD (version 3.1)
* deepOfix Mail Server - Version 3.1 - What's new?
* Development websites
deepOfix Installer and OS -
EasyPush Server Manager -
* File a new bug report or feature request:
deepOfix Installer / OS -
EasyPush -
How to report problems or request features:
* Downloading source code:
deepOfix Installer / OS
* Subscribing to deepOfix-related mailing lists
About the deepOfix Mail Server
The deepOfix Mail Server makes it possible for organisations with
minimal technical expertise to have robust server infrastructure. Our
mail server effortlessly delivers the freedom, reliability and
excellence of GNU/Linux to you and is available as Free / Open Source
Software itself. It offers unprecented ease of use, doesn't require
prior GNU/Linux experience and is backed by a full-time development and
support team.
"The expiration of the Debian archive's signing key for 2006 has
broken most of the installation media from etch RC1."
After the game the king and the pawn go into the same box.
-- Italian proverb