We are planning a discussion to understand GNU GPL version 3 and how
it is going to affect the FOSS eco-system. We have not decided on a
place yet. Suggestions welcome. Anyone coming for the discussions are
expected to have read the third discussion draft of GPL version 3 and
preferably looked into articles and discussions (slashdot, digg ...)
on issues related to GPL v3 like version 2 incompatibility, anti-DRM
provision, Novell-Microsoft patent deal and provisions in GPL to block
such deals in future...
You can sign up at
Also put in your thoughts on the talk page.
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
On 19/04/07, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati <rakesh_ambati(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Vikram,
> --- Vikram Vincent <vincentvikram(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey Arky
> > How are you doing? Was wondering if you are still in
> > Bangalore???
> >
> Nice to hear from you, I am not in bangalore right now
> would be returning to the city in few weeks.
> Ok. Since at present you are maintaining the bangalore.gnu.org.in can you
please create another account for me so that I can update the pages on a
regular basis.
Vikram Vincent
Hey Arky
How are you doing? Was wondering if you are still in Bangalore???
I would like to offer my help in maintaining the bangalore.gnu.org.in page
to reflect some of the latest developments in the Free Software Community
here in Bangalore.
Due to the inability to modify the bangalore.gnu.org.in pages we have had to
make alternate arrangements such as
Can we move the page to a more collaborative platform to enable more active
participation or atleast enable a few of the more active members to modify
I personally feel that we could do with a new platform such as the one we
used with the GPLv3 conference or mediawiki based.
Vikram Vincent
Hello All,
I know that we have just another week to the BMSCE Swatantra Tech Fest(April
21st, 2007) but we need a lady speaker for 'FOSS and Women'. I know that men
have to take the responsibility to get more women involved in FOSS so if we
do not have any lady speaker it will end up with me having to shoulder this
Thanks in advance.
Vikram Vincent
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tushar Abraham Mathew <nrcfoss(a)cdac.in>
Date: 13-Apr-2007 18:38
Subject: [Localisation] Report on Jumpstart Localisation
To: localisation(a)iosn.net
Jumpstart Localisation goes smooth
Mid of March to the first week of April was a busy time for the IOSN
South Asia Node. The node organized its second event "Jumpstart
Localisation", a training of trainers on Localisation at CDAC,
Electronics City, Bangalore from April 6th-8th. Taking into account some
last minute bailouts, in all, there were 16 people who attended the
training. Mrs. Kendra Derousseau flew 6540 miles from Vanuatu in the
Pacific Islands to attend it. Most of the trainees arrived on the 5th
and were put up at Samrudhii Suites, very close to Electronics City. The
next morning they were taken by bus to the venue. Mr. R.K.V.S Raman,
Senior Staff Scientist, CDAC, Electronics City was to be their trainer
for the next three days. Mr. Raman has been involved with Localisation
and Language Computing for the past five years. He has also been
involved with Speech Synthesis & Recognition and his allied interests
extend to Human Computer Interaction and Semantic Web. The trainees were
handed out kits along with the IOSN Localisation Primer
(http://www.iosn.net/l10n/foss-localization-primer/). The trainer
started with the terminologies and resources required for anyone wanting
to take up Localisation (l10n). He then cited the evolution of some
Indian languages, history of different encoding schemes, the Unicode
Standard and well known Localisation efforts. Another important aspect
that was touched upon was Cultural Localisation. Mr. Raman mentioned an
example in Tamil where in a word, the same letter could have different
pronunciations hence conveying a totally different meaning. Kendra who
spoke French gave a similar example and on both occasions, the laughter
was uncontrollable. Her knowledge of French came as a boon as we took up
its peculiarities like accents which wouldn't have been covered
On the second day, we moved on to Fonts, types and differences. The Sri
Lankan, Mr. Anura, had lots of questions during this session as he came
from a paper industry background. The session that followed was on
various Text Flows, Input Methods, Keyboard Layouts, Rendering Engines,
tools used in Translation, importing translations from other
applications and migrating translated applications to newer versions of
software. During all this time, Mr. Safal from Nepal was the quite one.
What saw keen interest from the trainees was probably the third day
session on Internationalizing applications and approaches followed. The
various functions used for internationalization (i18n) in Java and C
were also covered. The final session took us through CLDR charts and
overview of Font Designing. Bangladeshi Mr. Khandakar Mujihidul Islam
took particular interest in that one. He also spent a considerable
amount of his time testing the limits of his camera's memory.
Inputs provided from members of Swatantra Malayalam Computing and Debian
Kannada Localisation who were present were also helpful. Malayalam and
Kannada are languages spoken in the Indian states of Kerala and
Karnataka respectively.
After the training, the trainees were taken on a one day sightseeing
trip to Mysore. In store were palaces and temples and even a zoo. A
tired group bid their goodbyes the next day.
In order to ensure that the group stays in touch and continue
localisation efforts as well as solve each other's problems, a mailing
list localisation(a)iosn.net was created. It was deliberately given a
generic name so as to include more people from the Asia Pacific hence
bringing with them wider expertise and a broader spectrum of languages.
The list can be accessed at
Localisation mailing list
Vikram Vincent