Hi All,
Do you guys know any india based web-hosting services which are
reliable,cheap and support Joomla, Drupal and other foss platforms etc ?
This is for some other NGO I volunteer with..and we want to for a foss
based web-solution, hence trying to figure out a good, cheap place to
host it.
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
HI all
has any body anytime were able to setup ghost software so as to clone the
hard disks.
if any body has links which you have tried and succeeded, please send it
thanks in advance
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: eric.bachard <eric.bachard(a)free.fr>
Date: 2009/1/22
Subject: [dev-educ] Next IRC meeting : Subject is "Introduction to a
hybrid approach to software engineering and open source"
To: dev(a)education.openoffice.org
Hello to all
Please note there will be an IRC meeting on Monday 26th of January
2009, 16:00 UTC or 17:00 CET (Paris, Hamburg), 19.00 Greek time,
11:00 (Toronto)
Location : Server : irc.freenode.net / Channel : #education.openoffice.org
Content :
The meeting will provide an overview and room for discussion on a
hybrid approach to software engineering piloted at Aristotle
University's course 'Introduction to Software Engineering'. This
approach aims, amongst others, to bring together the various involved
stakeholders in a semi-structured way: own & fellow students, free
learners outside of formal education & open source practitioners /
The chat will be attended by Andreas Meiszner from The Open University
UK, who is taking care about design and organizational aspects and the
course team from Aristotle presented by Katerina Mous and Elen
To get a better understanding on the hybrid approach in question
please see a paper and presentation at:
This IRC meeting is free, everybody interested with Open source
teaching is warmly welcome. Thanks, and see you !
Eric Bachard
P.S.: thanks to Andreas Meiszner who corrected my wording :)
Education Project: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Education_Project
L'association EducOOo : http://www.educoo.org
Blog : http://eric.bachard.free.fr/news
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe(a)education.openoffice.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-help(a)education.openoffice.org
Vikram Vincent
Recently MP govt has launched a website called *http://idea4cm.com/ *This
website is meant for submission for ideas to Chief Minister of MP.
This is a good platform to put our voice to govt.
There are many member who are actively involved in many field like Education
, ICT, Software patent, vendor neutralization of academic, Free software,
Govt Policies activist, FOSS enthusiastic etc. I hope they will feel this as
a good medium of communication to govt.
I do not know about status of other states of India, but its a nice
initiative inside MP.
If { you have any idea about national level idea submission portal , please
share the same }. else { it is a nice idea to build up so} .
│ Narendra Sisodiya
│ R&D Engineer
│ http://narendra.techfandu.org
Vacancy: Free Software Associate
Location: Bangalore, India
Organisation: IT for Change
Last Date: 15 February 2009
Job Profile:
IT for Change is looking for a free software associate who has
experience in providing basic tech support.
The role involves basic user support for GNU/Linux systems and training
users on GNU/Linux and Open Office.
The position requires good communication skills and fluency in English
and Kannada. Experience in working on GNU/Linux is not required but is
preferable.There will be occasional travel within Karnataka.
Who we are looking for
Candidates in the age-group 20-35. Minimum educational qualification
will be 10+2.The candidate should have enthusiasm to explore and learn
about new technologies and free software applications.
While remuneration is not a constraint, it will be commensurate with
Decisions about suitability for the positions depend on appropriate
experience and skills. The ability for collaborative team work is a
To Apply:
Please send your complete CV to vinay(a)ITforChange.net. Only shortlisted
candidates will be invited for an interview. Last date for receiving
completed applications is 15 February 2009.
About Us:
IT for Change (ITfC), is a non-profit organisation working in the area
of information and communications technologies (ICTs) for social change.
We are involved in action research, policy advocacy and field-based
projects. Our field project Mahiti Manthana is situated in 3 taluks in
mysore district and deploys a multipronged ICT strategy, using radio,
video and telecentres towards a contextual and convergent,
technology-mediated, social change process.
Please visit our website www.ITforChange.net for more information about us.
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
Hi All,
In trying to promote FOSS with the government of Karnataka, one of the
problems is that Nudi does not work on any FOSS OS. However in getting
Nudi to work on a FOSS OS, i guess there are various issues , some of
which I have written below. Requesting the community to go through the
same and let me know If I have captured the problem accurately and also
let me know your thoughts on the solutions.
There is a way to make Nudi work on a FOSS distro by using SCIM I guess,
but that will mean that we have to implement Nudi in its existing format
which is not in Unicode. On the other hand, to move Nudi to Unicode, it
has to be done only by the KGP, soemthing which we dont know if they are
willing to do.
Now assuming that we get KGP to move Nudi to Unicode(and make it free
and open) i guess there are some problems with rendering kannada on
unicode(some things like arkavottu will not work? ), also the other
issue being that we need someone to support Nudi continuously as
Fedora,Ubuntu,Debian etc keep releasing newer versions right?
Please do let me know your thoughts.
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
>>Have a check on this post which talks about enabling kannada in Ubuntu
>> http://sampada.net/blog/omshivaprakash/21/10/2008/12862
>> Also there have been lots of documentation made at various stages
>> which are accessible at http://dev.sampada.net
>> kn-itrans is just like Baraha and Baraha IME and very user friendly as
>> mentioned in my article.
Hi Om,
The documentation is really good!
I know that we have alternate options to Nudi, on FOSS distros. But the issue is not that. the issue is that the government will want to use Nudi on FOSS.
So we need to get Nudi to work on FOSS..and for that i'm seeking inputs..what are your thoughts on getting Nudi to work on Ubuntu. Do share :-)
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change