Hi all
In R.V.College of Engineering on 14th November 2009 there was a one day
workshop on LaTeX conducted for the students. It covered only the
fundamentals of LaTeX like , creating a simple article, changing the color
of the text , inserting boxes and text inside boxes , then changing the
styles of the text , including references , pictures , hyperlinks , creating
a project report
it was a hands on workshop, 50 students participated in the workshop
there was a very good feedback and 7 to 8 students have volunteered to
create a template for the project report.
finally the students will be submitting their project reports in TEX format
at the end of december as part of their assignment
This was done , as VTU has mentioned LaTeX in one of the subject
"Professional Commnication" for MCA students as one of the typesetting
software , so we got a good chance to demonstrate and show them and later to
make sure they learn we insisted to submit their project reports in the TEX