Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore is to develop a
hi-fi education portal with audio and video presentations.
This may look like http://videolectures.net/, meawhile completely on
Free and Open Software.
Technical Skills : Multi media streaming, domain and libraries.
Please see http://osflash.org/red5 for more details.
Final and 3rd years students will be given preference.
This project will be guided by an IIM-B professor.
Expert help will be provided from people in IISC and FSMK.
Please reply to
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On 19 March 2010 00:28, Safwan <esafwan(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> What is this venue 1 and venue 2?
> where will the program be on saturday, 20th?
> _______________________________________________
> FSUG-Bangalore mailing list
> FSUG-Bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore
> *Brand MINC **the `eco-friendly' fashion store for women and young girls *
> *was launched by Mishan Design Point Pvt Limited, a Bangalore based
> company pioneered by Mini Shibu, a post graduate in Apparel Design from NID,
> Ahmedabad and her husband Kochery C. Shibu, MINC has sourced its organic
> cotton from tribal health centre, sittilingi. The concept has been to
> promote eco friendly fashion, working with hand spun hand woven fabrics,
> organic cotton and vegetable dyed fabrics and supporting a social chain of
> tribal cotton farmers, weavers and dyers community while improving our
> environment.*
> *MINC opened it's first store at Sigma mall, Cunningham road, Bangalore in
> December 2007. The focus of the brand is Fit, Function, and Fashion
> Integration, which we call F3I of MINC garments. Extensive efforts are made
> during the manufacture of these garments at the company Design Studio, to
> meet the F3I standards.*
> *The brand addresses self assured women & the confident tween market with
> a range of easy to put together separates in classic styles and treatments
> that realize the aim of restrained elegance. Thick grey cotton wraparounds,
> button-less jackets, cross-chest kurtas all give a feel of something
> different – some thing that you don't get to see in regular stores.*
> *MINC has launched the new store at Mantri Square, the biggest mall
> in South Asia coming up at Bangalore. The mall has been inaugurated by
> Karnataka CM. When you who visit Mantri square at Malleswaram. Please do
> visit MINC on the second floor S -62, phone 22667114, and definitely leave
> your autograph.*
> * Since MINC is working with organic cotton and khadi in to high fashion,
> we believe it is pioneering efforts. Those of you who know any discerning
> reporters of print/electronic media from Bangalore please help with contact
> no/details. “MINC has a vision for khadi similar to what the liberalization
> did to our economy in the 90s”.*
> * *
> * This “friends of sittilingi group” only be more than happy to see the
> organic cotton of the tribal farmers in its finest form at the store *
> * *
> *Regards*
> * *
> *09379091133*
> *
> *
On 16 March 2010 20:02, Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a great effort.
> Thanks a lot.
> Count me to send the stickers.
> I am from kanchipuram.
> How can I send the money?
> --
> Regards,
> T.Shrinivasan
> My experiences with Linux are here
> http://goinggnu.wordpress.com
> For Free and Open Source Jobs
> http://fossjobs.wordpress.com
> _______________________________________________
> FSUG-Bangalore mailing list
> FSUG-Bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore
hi all
we have made some stickers related to free softwares ,
click on this link to see the image
details of the stickers ------
the image was designed with A4 size
the quality of sticker sheet is too good, the printed sheet is of 105 GSM(
another quality is of 50 -60 gsm) and has dual side gum with extra high
quality paste which makes the job of removing stickers a bit hard.
all the logos / images that you are able to see are with edge cutting where
they are just ready to lift smoothly and paste wherever u like ( already the
images are cut to border exactly and pasted on a glossy sheet )
the cost of sticker sheets ------
there are of two qualities :
the one which is of a bit low in quality (thickness )compared to the high
quality one (105 gsm ) are getting ready by wednesday and i have 50 sheets (
25 are of matty finish and another 25 are glossy )
i have 100 sheets which are of high quality ( thickness of 105 gsm ) -- ( 50
, matty and 50, glossy)
it costed Rs 45 per sheet for the low quality ones and Rs 92.5 per sheet
for the high quality sheets
I am selling these sheets at Rs 75 and Rs 150 per sheet ( I am raising funds
for FSF- India , will be giving receipts ) if you are interested to donate
more you could do so..
if you do normal printing in any digital printing centre ( for first A3
sheet print they will charge Rs 30 , and following sheets costs Rs 10,12,14,
depending upon the relationship u have with that company( usualyy it is Rs
14 per A3 sheet, but the sheets that they give will not be of good quality
and also they will not do any edge cutting )
the life of those normal sticker sheets is very less, the printing will fade
of whenever you rub any object over the surface , even a small scratch will
fade the printing
there are so many varieties of qualities available with stickers , we are
also making the doomed stickers which costs Rs 5 per sq inch and stickers of
type "intel inside "( will upload details later )
i approached many kinds of companies ( wih ISO standard ) small enterprises
and individuals and placed order which was most feasible .
those who are interested to buy can contact me (9901945674) , i am staying
at mahalakshmi layout ( near rajajinagar ) , working at R.V .College of
Engineering as lecturer in department of M.C.A
i will pass on the stickers through my students or colleagues if you are
staying at a place where they are put up.. let me know where to send so that
you could collect them if you are interested to buy.
reply with your mobile number and address if you are interested to buy and
want me to send those to your place ( will let you know if some one is put
up there )
also if some one wants to collect few stickers and help in raising funds for
FSF-India, please let me know
collect your sticker sheets as early as possible
renuka prasad
Hi every Body,
I'm writing this to thank all of those people who worked hard behind this
Beacause my final semester project submission deadline is close I can't
attend tomorrow.
It was very encouraging.
Thankyou for the stall, it was great explaining the possibilities of Linux
to students. We got
really good response.
Now it's time to become a member of fsf... I have been promoted this free
software since last 4 years
but was in no way associated with any official bodies. Just had accounts in
few linux forums.
Please enlighten me with the procedures and direction!
Thank you again to all!
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 12:00 PM, <fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in>wrote:
> Send FSUG-Bangalore mailing list submissions to
> fsug-bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> fsug-bangalore-owner(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of FSUG-Bangalore digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Teacher Training on Sugar for Primary Education (renuka prasad)
> 2. Fwd: [Wikimediaindia-l] Wikipedia Academy - Malayalam -
> Bangalore 21st March 2010 (Anoop)
> 3. Re: Location of National Conference (Ravi Shanker)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 13:28:10 +0530
> From: renuka prasad <renukaprasadb(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: [FSUG-Bangalore] Teacher Training on Sugar for Primary
> Education
> To: Free Software Users Group - Bangalore
> <fsug-bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in>
> Message-ID:
> <2edece8c1003190058q9f28523waa33a2bf03e019ee(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> R V Educational Consortium and R.V.College of Engineering in association
> with FSF-India, HBCSE, FSUG-Bangalore, ITForChange, DeeprootLinux and other
> individuals and organization is hosting a two day workshop for teachers on
> sugar keeping in mind the primary education
> Venue : R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore
> Participants : 40 teachers already registered from private and government
> schools ( maximum : 50)
> Fee : Rs 500 per participant ( including lunch + tea /coffee + CD/DVD )
> Resource Persons : Dr Nagarjuna and Dr Amit ( HBCSE )
> Volunteers : FSUG-Bangalore, DeeprootLinux, ITForChange, other individuals
> also
> if any body on the list has already worked on sugar desktop and related
> activities, please let us know whether you are willing to volunteer for the
> program
> -------------------------------------------A brief note about the workshop
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The use of ICT is increasingly becoming necessary for universal access to
> education for all. While
> several agencies are trying to develop the infrastructure, not much effort
> is being made in providing
> guidance, content creation, and empowering the teachers. We (at
> gnowledge.org lab of HBCSE)
> have been giving workshops to teachers in proper use of ICT without
> neglecting the traditional
> modes of class room practices, and also train the teachers in use and abuse
> of computers and
> communication technology. We also link it to the general objectives and
> philosophy set in NCF
> 2005 in the context of ICT use in the class room and empowering teachers.
> As a part of the workshop we will be also arranging a CD for all
> participants at a cost of Rs.100/-,
> which contains all the software used for the workshop. All the software is
> licensed for use in any
> number of installations within the state and can be distributed free of
> charge or for a nominal
> amount to all teachers, students, schools and colleges provided they are
> distributed with the same
> set of conditions.
> The workshop will introduce the main activities in the Sugar Platform (
> http://sugarlabs.org), as well
> as the special suit of applications present in the Gcompris (the latter is
> part of the Gnome desktop
> environment of GNU/Linux). The philosophy of constructivism and
> constructionism in the context
> of studio based learning will be introduced. The activities address
> language
> learning, mathematics,
> music, animation, turtle graphics (basic computing), presentation,
> recording
> (audio, video), art
> (painting and sketching), talking, mind/concept mapping etc. All the
> activities support
> collaboration. The computer records all transactions helping the teacher to
> know the achievements
> of children. Some of the topics in the workshop pertain to capacity
> building
> among teachers,
> collaborative construction of teaching/learning sequences, lesson planning
> etc.
> for more details write to nagarjun(a)gnowledge.org
> -------------------------
> with regards
> renuka prasad
Google maps is non-free use Open Street Maps
--- On Thu, 3/18/10, jaykumar hs <jaykumarhs(a)gmail.com> wrote:
From: jaykumar hs <jaykumarhs(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [FSUG-Bangalore] Location of National Conference
To: "Free Software Users Group - Bangalore" <fsug-bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in>
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010, 12:54 PM
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Safwan <esafwan(a)gmail.com> wrote:
What is this venue 1 and venue 2?
where will the program be on saturday, 20th?
FSUG-Bangalore mailing list
General Convener
National Conference on Free Software - 2010
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