Hi all
This is the call for participation in an intensive training program on FOSS
for Education,
Government of karnataka will be conducting workshop for master trainers (
trainers who will train the teachers/ trainers ) during June last week or
July first week and second week , in this regard Free Software Foundation,
India and HBCSE, Mumbai will be jointly conducting an intensive training
program on FOSS for Primary / Secondary education to create local resource
person for the workshop mentioned above at RVCE, Bangalore on 6th to 8th of
June 2010.
Dr Nagarjuna and Mr Amith From HBCSE ,Mumbai will be conducting the training
Focus will be on sugar labs and also on secondary education.
those who gets trained will have to do the training program for the teachers
at secondary level on 9th, 10th and 11th of June 2010 at WIDIA Poornapragna
School, where again Dr Nagarjuna and Mr Amith will be monitoring the
training program and will help in case of any problems while conducting the
the intensive training program will be very rigorous and will be atleast 9
hours per day
Those who are really interested to be as resource person and want to get
trained can send me a mail
with regards
renuka prasad