Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore is to develop a
hi-fi education portal with audio and video presentations.
This may look like http://videolectures.net/, meawhile completely on
Free and Open Software.
Technical Skills : Multi media streaming, domain and libraries.
Please see http://osflash.org/red5 for more details.
Final and 3rd years students will be given preference.
This project will be guided by an IIM-B professor.
Expert help will be provided from people in IISC and FSMK.
Please reply to
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ajay Kumar <joinajay1(a)gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 6:15 PM
Subject: [ilugd] Fwd: NIXI Fellowships Announced
To: linux delhi <ilugd(a)lists.linux-delhi.org>
Dear Friends,
NIXI has announced fellowship for young Internet professionals which will
give them an opportunity to interact with Global Internet fraternity within
India and abroad.
Those interested may may visit the website from the given link and let us
know as well.
With regards,
Ajay Kumar
The website with application form is here: <http://nixifellowship.in/>
or <http://nixi.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=81&Itemid=91>
Programme Overview:
National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) invites applications from
qualified young Internet professionals from Academia, Industry, Civil
Society, Public Sector and Media for the NIXI Fellowship Programme. The
objective is to groom the Next Generation Leaders in the field of Internet
Technology, Policy & Business.
Eligibility: A Graduate in any branch of knowledge with a deep
understanding of IT & Internet related issues. Preference will be given to
those who are engaged in Research or have working experience in these areas.
Age: Minimum 21 years and Maximum 35 years. (as on 1.7.2010)
No. of Fellowships: 30
Duration of Fellowship: 1 year
Mode of Selection: Based on Interview (including Telephonic Interview) of
short listed candidates
Fellowship Details:
The Fellowship is for the following activities:
To cover the cost of participation (Registration, Travel & accommodation) at
1. Two Internet related International events
2. Two Internet related Conference / Workshops in India
Each fellow selected would be placed under a Mentor who would monitor the
output of the Fellows. The Fellows are expected to develop Policy Papers &
Contributions on topics being seriously discussed in International Fora
The Fellows are free to continue with their Academic / Professional activity
during the duration of the Fellowship.
Treasurer-ISOC Delhi(www.isocdelhi.in)
Technical Officer & PIO -National Internet Exchange of India(www.nixi.in)
C/O Software Technology Parks of India,Ministry of Communication and
Information Technology,Govt of India,
Ganga Software Technology Complex,Block-IV,
Sector 29,Noida-201303
UP India
(M) +91-9868477444
Skype ID:erajay
E-mail: ajay at nixi.in,P-mail: joinajay1 at gmail.com
Please don't print this email unless you really need to. This will preserve
trees on our planet.
Treasurer-ISOC Delhi(www.isocdelhi.in)
Technical Officer & PIO -National Internet Exchange of India(www.nixi.in)
C/O Software Technology Parks of India,Ministry of Communication and
Information Technology,Govt of India,
Ganga Software Technology Complex,Block-IV,
Sector 29,Noida-201303
UP India
(M) +91-9868477444
Skype ID:erajay
E-mail: ajay at nixi.in,P-mail: joinajay1 at gmail.com
Please don't print this email unless you really need to. This will preserve
trees on our planet.
Ilugd mailing list
B. Tech in Computer Science
National Institute Of Technology-Durgapur
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After accepting vinay g singh rawat's invitation, check vinay g singh rawat's connections to see who else you may know and who you might want an introduction to. Building these connections can create opportunities in the future.
(c) 2010, LinkedIn Corporation
Sage Days 25 - An Invitation
What is 'Sage Days'?
Sage Days is a confluence of present and prospective SAGE Users and
Developers. It is an opportunity to come together to share ideas,
brainstorm and hack on Sage.
Sage Days 25 is the 25th version of Sage Days, and is being organized in
Mumbai, India. In order to cater to an Indian audience and scenario, this
version has been tweaked slightly. Sage Days 25 has beginner level
tutorials, in addition to the usual talks and sprints, to help new users get
started with Sage and help promote the use of Sage in India.
What is Sage?
Sage is a free, open-source mathematics software system licensed under the
GPL. It combines the power of numerous existing open-source packages into a
common Python-based interface. It's mission is to create a "viable free open
source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab".
Sage has tools for a broad range of mathematical areas like Linear Algebra,
Calculus, Symbolic Math, Plotting, Rings & Groups, Graph Theory, Number
Theory and Cryptography. Essentially, "it can do anything from mapping a
12-dimensional object to calculating rainfall patterns under global warming"
- as Science Daily puts it . Eager to get started? Start here. [#1]
Apart from being feature rich, it's usability is one of it's greatest
strengths. Sage Notebook, a web-interface for all the math you'll ever want
to do, is really the killer feature! As the Sage Marketing page says, "The
SAGE GUI surely works on your computer box, because it just runs in
Firefox!". Try it Now! [#2]
Why should you attend?
Sage Days 25 is being attended by the creator and lead developer of Sage,
Prof. William Stein. It will also be attended by other developers of Sage.
This would be a great opportunity to meet and interact with them!
The conference will be attended by a plethora of enthusiastic people from
all over the country who use Sage or are interested in doing so. The
conference will also see the presence of many mathematicians interested in
software. Who knows, you may run into someone you'd want to collaborate
with, for your future work!
This event will be a great learning experience, if you are even remotely
interested in math and software for it!
When and Where?
Venue: IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, India
Dates: August 9-12, 2010
Tentative Schedule: http://fossee.in/sage_days/schedule/
Register Here: http://fossee.in/sage_days/registration/register/
[#1] http://www.sagemath.org/tour.html
[#2] http://www.sagenb.org/
Sage Days India Team,
------------Anivar Aravind requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn:
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
- Anivar Aravind
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Connecting to Anivar Aravind will attract the attention of LinkedIn users. See who's been viewing your profile:
(c) 2010, LinkedIn Corporation
Hi all
We are going to have a Fedora 13 release party in Bangalore this
Saturday, June 5th, 2010. The venue is
FSMK Office, No. 3, 1st Cross, 1st Main,
Maruti Nagar, Manjunatha Layout,
Madivala, Bangalore – 560 068
Ph: 080 4218 7353, M: 9448163453.
We plan to distribute some media and some swags. We also hope to see
some new people and introduce Fedora to them. If you want us to help
you with installing Fedora 13 on your laptop please bring it along
with you. You can also bring your pen drives with you so that you can
take the ISOs with you as we have only limited stock of media. Please
bring along your friends and acquaintances also. I also invite all the
Fedora folks in and around Bangalore to be present. The event pages
for the party are [1] and [2] . Please feel free to contact at
09740168399 for additional info. Hope to see you all there.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F13_release_events#APAC
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F13_Bangalore
P.S: Sorry for the short notice.
Rangeen Basu Roy Chowdhury
Fedora Ambassador