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From: "Jadine Lannon" <jadine(a)cis-india.org>
Date: Nov 8, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: [fosscomm] [OT] Wikipedia: State of Tech — A Talk by Erik Moeller
To: <network(a)lists.fosscom.in>
Hello Members,
The Centre for Internet & Society, Bangalore is hosting a talk by Erik
Moeller, Vice President of Engineering and Product Development at the
Wikimedia Foundation, at its office in Bangalore on November 12, 2012, from
11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., followed by a lunch discussion.
Talk Summary:
Wikipedia's technology platform is rapidly changing, with improvements
being deployed every day. Unlike other top websites, Wikipedia is run by a
non-profit (Wikimedia Foundation) and all its technology is open source,
ready to be improved and extended by you.
Learn about the recent and coming technology changes to Wikipedia and
Wikimedia's other projects: the new Visual Editor, improvements to mobile
sites and apps, Wikidata, and projects with mysterious codenames like
"Echo", "Milkshake", "Agora" and "Flow". Learn how to get involved and ask
anything you'd like to know about Wikipedia.
This event is public and free to attend, so no registration is required.
For more information on this event, please visit:
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