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From: DefectiveByDesign.org <info(a)defectivebydesign.org>
Reply-to: "DefectiveByDesign.org" <info(a)defectivebydesign.org>
To: Sasi Kumar <sasi.fsf(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Save the date: International Day Against DRM — May 4, 2012
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 01:02:14 -0400
Defective by Design
While DRM has largely been defeated in downloaded music, it is a growing
problem in the area of ebooks, where people have had their books
restricted so they can't freely loan, re-sell or donate them, read them
without being tracked, or move them to a new device without
re-purchasing all of them. They've even had their ebooks deleted by
companies without their permission. It continues to be a major issue in
the area of movies and video too.
Join us in working to eliminate DRM!
Please visit dayagainstdrm.org for more information.
On May 4th, the Defective by Design DRM Elimination Crew will of course
be running an event in Boston. But for this day to send a strong message
against DRM, we need people all over the world to join us and hold their
own events!
As well as attending or running events, you can join other activists in
blogging about DRM, putting up banners on your Web sites and blogs,
talking about DRM on your social networks and more. See below for an
evolving list of all the different ways you can help raise awareness.
Please mark your calendars, and join the Day Against DRM mailing list
for frequent updates between now and May 4th.
Please visit dayagainstdrm.org for more information.
Matt, Josh, John and Richard
The DRM Elimination Crew
Follow us on identi.ca at http://identi.ca/dbd | Subscribe to our blogs
via RSS at http://www.defectivebydesign.org/rss.xml | Donate to support
the campaign at http://www.defectivebydesign.org/donate/1
Defective by Design is a campaign of the Free Software Foundation:
51 Franklin Street
Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02110-1335
United States
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list by visiting the link
To stop all email from the Free Software Foundation, including Defective
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V. Sasi Kumar
Free Software Foundation of India
Parliament - Say no to Internet Censorship
The Government notified on April 13, 2011 the Information Technology
(Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 prescribing guidelines to be
observed by the intermediaries. The rules were issued in exercise of the
powers conferred by clause (zg) of subsection (2) of section 87 read with
sub-section (2) of section 79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (Act
21 of 2000). The provisions of the new rules are unconstitutional as they
affect the right to freedom of speech and expression as well as right to
privacy of citizens, are arbitrary being violative of Art. 14 of the
Constitution of India and are ultra vires of the parent act. SFLC.in [1]
has come out with an ebook, Legal analysis of IT(Intermediaries
guidelines)Rules 2011 [2] explaining the impact of the guidelines which the
government has come up with.
FSMK[3] with support of other organizations is planning a national level
campaign against this law which will be discussed in parliament on the
second half of the budget session which starts from April 24th. Hence we
have chosen 21st April for the nation wide campaign against the law.
Content regarding the campaign and the issue is being updated, [4].
Please let me know if the organizations that you are associated with can
support us for this campaign. We are maintaining a list of all organization
who are supporting us [5].
Also please support this campaign by sharing the link of the website[4] and
also by signing the petition [6].
If you are in Bangalore, please join us on 5:00 pm on 21st April at Town
We are also looking for any creative posters/ideas related to this topic
which will help us in spreading the word. Please feel free to share such
content with us so that we can update it in the website.
[1] - http://softwarefreedom.in/
[2] - [pdf]
[3] - http://fsmk.org
[4] - http://friendsofinternet.wikispaces.com/
[5] - http://friendsofinternet.wikispaces.com/List+of+friends+of+internet
[6] -
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