Hello All,
Tridz is organizing a Drupal module development workshop on Oct 2nd, 2012.
This workshop aims at imparting Drupal Module Development Skills to those
who are interested in Drupal Module development
but finds it hard to type in their first lines of code.
*We will be covering the following:*
- "Hello World" of Drupal Module Development.
- Building a settings page for your custom module.
- Saving the settings and retrieving them as needed.
- See a couple of hooks in action.
- Case Study / Code Walkthrough: Building Drupal-Integration Module for
an Indian SMS Gateway.
About the Speaker
*Tanay Sai *, is a Drupal developer building Drupal websites since 5 years.
Tanay currently works for a leading Travel Website.
Follow the link for more detail and
Software Engineer