This Enclosure system features upright foam padded poles for added stability. Each pole is angled at the top to keep the enclosure
This Enclosure system features upright foam padded poles for added stability. Each pole is angled at the top to keep the enclosure
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அனுப்புநர்: Shrinivasan T <tshrinivasan(a)>
Date: வெள்., 11 செப்., 2020, பிற்பகல் 10:07
Subject: ILUGC Monthly Meet - Sep 12, 2020 - 3-6 pm - Lets meet on IRC
(#ilugc in
To: <ilugc(a)>
Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading awareness on
Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since January 1998.
We will be organizing this month's meet through ILUGC's Official IRC
channel (#ilugc in
If Visual Presentation required, we will use ;(Link
will be provided in #ilugc irc channel at the time of meet by the
speaker who is willing to show visual content)
We usually meet on the second Saturday of every month, and for the
month of September 2020 we shall meet through IRC on Saturday 12, 2020 at 1500
IRC Server:
Channel: #ilugc
Web IRC:
Simple Meeting Guidelines:
we encourage participants to follow these simple steps to conduct the
meet effectively,
1. Please watch what others are doing and do not interrupt
2. If you have a question, type "?" and wait for your time to ask,
the speaker who is conducting the talk will call your name to ask a question.
3. If you need to speak, type "!" and wait for your time to speak.
4. If you're done speaking, type "eof"
5. If you agree with someone, type "nickname: +1", here nickname is who
you are agreeing with.
Talk Details:
Talk 1:
Topic: Introduction to Django Framework for Python web development
Description: Django is a good Python framework for building robust web
applications quickly.
Let us explore the basics of Django and create a small web application
with MySQL as backend.
Duration: 1 Hr
Speaker Name: Vijayalakshmi, vijisulochana14(a)
About Speaker: Volunteer of Villupuram GNU/Linux Users Group
Talk via JitSi. Like will be provided in the #ilugc channel at 3 pm
Talk 2:
Topic: Visualize, Analyze and Troubleshoot Service and Boot problems in
Talk Description:
Systemd: A Linux initialization (init) system and service manager inspired
by macOS's 'launchd' and Ubuntu's 'Upstart'. This talk briefs about how to
visualize,analyze and troubleshoot service and booting problems in systemd.
Duration: 30 minutes
Name: S. Baskar
About Speaker: Another FOSS enthusiast
Session is on IRC channel itself.
Talk 3:
Topic: Introduction to Self Hosting
Talk Description:
Self Hosting the web applications we use will give more freedom.
owning the data, freedom from advertisements, tons of learnings,
decentralization etc are few benifits of self hosting.
Let us explore the self hostable applications and quick solutions.
Links :
Duration: 45 minutes
Name: T Shrinivasan
About Speaker : Editor -, Ebook Publisher -
Session is on IRC channel itself.
After Talks:
QA & general discussions
All are welcome.
My Life with GNU/Linux :
Free E-Magazine on Free Open Source Software in Tamil :
Get Free Tamil Ebooks for Android, iOS, Kindle, Computer :
My Life with GNU/Linux :
Free E-Magazine on Free Open Source Software in Tamil :
Get Free Tamil Ebooks for Android, iOS, Kindle, Computer :
Hello all!
Just giving a quick heads-up on FOSSMeet 2016.
FOSSMeet is an annual event at NIT Calicut that brings together the Free
and Open Source Community from around the country. The last edition of
FOSSMeet witnessed around 350 participants from all over India. This year,
FOSSMeet is scheduled to be held from February 26th to 28th, 2016.
FOSSMeet '16 funnel <> is active
at the moment. Proposals for talks and workshops are invited. We would
appreciate your attendance ,either as a speaker or as a participant.
Speakers Team
FOSSMeet 2016
Mobile: +91 - 9447927845
Hi folks,
Paytm ( is one of India's leading online recharges and
e-commerce website. We are looking for a 3+ year experienced SQL database
administrator to join the marketplace team. This opening is in Noida.
Responsibilities will roughly be as follows:
- Monitor database queries for efficiency
- Try and minimise slave replication lags
- Troubleshoot SQL Server service outages as they occur, including
after-hours and weekends if need be
- Configure SQL Server monitoring utilities to minimize false alarms
- Install and configure new SQL Servers
- Deploy database change scripts provided by third party vendors
- When performance issues arise, determine the most effective way to
increase performance including hardware purchases, server configuration
changes, or index/query changes
- Document the company’s database environment
If interested, please email your CVs to debayan.banerjee(a)
Debayan Banerjee
Hi folks,
Paytm ( is one of India's leading online recharges and
e-commerce website. We are looking for a passionate devops
engineer/sysadmin to join the payments team.
Working Exp: 5+ yrs Location: Noida, India
• Working knowledge of complex web hosting configuration components,
including firewalls, load balancers, web and database servers
• Strong linux,CentOS, Ubuntu working experience
• To be proficient in writing shell scripts.
• Design, configure, install and maintain OS/DB/Webserver cluster,
VMware and storage solutions including RAID, and SAN/NAS technology.
• Well versed in combination of Apache, Nagios, Tomcat, PHP, MySQL,
Java, VMWare, FIM solutions, Intrusion Detection System like OSSEC, DNS
Server, SVN - ability to deploy, support, and diagnose real issues for a
production environment
• Experience with Send mail SNMP, SSH, SFTP and Iptables
• Understanding of Hardware which also include storage devices, either
its a SAN, NAS with iSCSI, FC.
• Server Maintenance, Backups, Performance Audit & Logging.
• Should have knowledge and experience of security policy
implementation, penetration testing, PCI Audits
• Should have knowledge and experience of user access control,
management and Audit
• Should have experience in offline OS and application patch updation
• Should have team management experience.
• Should have worked on Amazon web services (nice to have).
If interested, please mail your resume @ Aparna.khanna(a)
(The list covers a perfect case scenario of skills in a person. In reality
we understand that one person is not likely to know everything mentioned
above :) )
Debayan Banerjee