---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
Date: Mar 27, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: [+PLUS][I+MM]  Hello
To: plus-discuss@lists.sarovar.org

March - Iginite the PLUS month

Hello, Libre users of Palakkad!

It is exciting to address a group of people who understand what GNU is
really all about.  Most operating systems were developed for
commercial motives or technical motives, but GNU was developed for
ethical ideals: freedom and community.

All user groups invite, teach and help people to use the GNU/Linux
system, and I'm sure you are going to do that.  But your commitment to
freedom means you can also do jobs that get to the root of the matter,
campaigning for software freedom in your schools, in your civic
institutions, and in all areas of life.

Thank you for helping our community, and best wishes to your work.

Palakkad Libre software Users Society Main Mailing List
"Adding freedom to common minds"


"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
-- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr