On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Vikram Vincent <vincentvikram@gmail.com> wrote:
I am seriously wondering who is coordinating the Bangalore events??!!
Are you interested to co-ordinate? if yes why dont you do?

Is it Anivar or Arun or Renuka or RMS himself?
I am also co-ordinating 

Who is it who is fixing up these events and the priority?

IISc event was discussed at CIS but not SSIT Tumkur.
We discussed about events in bangalore , if requests other than bangalore comes to RMS -- he will decide right ?

There seems to be absolutely ZERO discussion here.
That is not required to be discussed as the requests might have communicated to RMS through arun seperately 
No one seem to have any regard for the meeting that was at CIS where a huge discussion took place.
Nothing different is going on apart from few adjustments --is what i feel ..you can check all the discussions if you are interested

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