2007/1/17, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay <sankarshan.mukhopadhyay@gmail.com>:
The query was more on why is it necessary to put *pressure* on Linus to
be GPLv3 compliant/released rather than letting him have a free say in
it. Last I read off LWN, he was pretty clear about his reasons (aka
reservations) and posited a wait-let's see stance

One of the aims of GPLv3 is to let the owners have the key to their devices (stop tivoisation, where you know you are running Free Software under GPL but without the ability to tinker and customise) and if Linux kernel does not go GPLv3 path we can't have that. So if all others go GPLv3 way (and if OpenSolaris leads the way that would bring a positive effect) then everyone who support Linus' view on GPLv3 now (especially with the Novell-Microsoft deal) might not be as supportive and that would put pressure on Linus to rethink his position. 


"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
         -- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr