Hi all,

   I'm happy to announce the FOSS seminar on this Saturday (24th Sept) at BMS college of Engineering Basavanagudi. This activity was planned for SFD (10th Sept) but couldn't get a confirmation and we were in touch with Nirmal Tahacker ( third year CS student at BMSCE ) and now the date is confirmed.

The agenda of the seminar is

1. Introducing FOSS and its advantages especially to students
2. Move forward with Education project ( http://fci.wikicities.com/Education ). Collect feedback and setup a continuous process to enable User Driven innovation
3. Introducing alternative to propietory software (especially to electronics and electrical students)
4. A technical talk (anyone ready to come ?)

Now Dilip V ,Thejesh GN, and myself volunteered to go there. We are looking for some more volunteers.

This Thursday (22nd Sept) we are meeting at Cafe Coffee Day in Brigade road (next to the Petrol Pump ) at 6.30 pm.

Any ideas and volunteers are welcome.

Praveen A

            "GNU is the system, and Linux is the  kernel."
A proud GNU user http://www.gnu.org
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr