<wiki href="http://bangalore.gnu.org.in/?SFD>

3. Articles on FOSS

Encourage ppl[studentas and professionals alike] to write about FOSS and collect them and publish on a site. Also encourage students to put up messages on notice boards, school/college magazines, newspapers etc. Another ideas is to get regular columnists (like Anand Parthasaradhi) to write about Software freedom Day. We can offer free entry to FOSS.IN to some selected articles and also get some other interesting prizes (sponsorship) Co-ordinators: (Volunteer to be one)


1. How can we get hold of Anand Parthasaradhi ? Anyone know him personally ? Also any other tech authors ? Well even other columnists will do.

2. Also how you folks think of giving an entry to FOSS.IN for selected articles [May be five or 10 ppl] (Well, we can get sponsors also).

            "GNU is the system, and Linux is the  kernel."
A proud GNU user http://www.gnu.org
My Weblog at http://www.pravi.co.nr
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