Hello Senthil,

2008/5/20 Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) <sensunda@cisco.com>:
dear all,
we are developing the basic gnu-linux desktop curriculum for C3 - http://slumdweller.wikispaces.com/ 
the curriculum is based on exisiting gnu-linux desktop material but adopted to suit our context.
this is divided as core skills and corresponding exercises the students should take.
a) can we use moodle for the course  and can it be a offline tool - which can installed on debinan/ubuntu.

Moodle is a course management system that is basically meant to put courses online so that the teacher can create some structure and invite students to create content. When students interact with the environment, teach others and are in a constantly learning culture they absorb data and convert it to knowledge faster. So you may have to set up a mini server client network to host Moodle.
What I can do is to install Moodle at http://courses.swatantra.org (sub-domain does not exist yet) which everybody will be able to access and you can get the tution centre an internet connection.

b) also whats the best free software courseware review tool. we would like to upload courseware and invite people to review it take review
comments and so on .

Once the course material is online it can be reviewed by anyone.

Vikram Vincent