sftp - is a secure remote file transfer utility based on File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

To Connect to SFTP

To get help commands 
sftp> help

 To Check Present Working Directory
local working directory
sftp> lpwd
remote working directory
sftp> pwd

To List files with sftp
On Remote
sftp> ls
On local machine
sftp> lls

To upload file using sftp
sftp > put sample.py

To upload multiple files using sftp
sftp > mput *.py

To download files using sftp
 sftp > get example.py

To download multiple files using sftp
sftp > mget *.pl

To switching directories in sftp
On Remote
sftp > cd Documents
on local machine
sftp > lcd Documents

To create new directory on local 
sftp > mkdir local_dir
To create new directory on remote
sftp > lmkdir remote_dir

To remove directories using sftp
sftp > rm file.txt
sftp> rmdir dir1

To exit sftp shell
sftp > exit
