split - is used to split large files into smaller files

$ split {options} {file_name} {prefix}

$ cat example.txt
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
This is line 4
This is line 5
This is line 6
This is line 7
This is line 8
This is line 9
This is line 10

To split example.txt with verbose option
$ split example.txt --verbose

To split files with customize line numbers
$ split -l5 example.txt --verbose

To split files with file size 
$ split -b 4 example.txt --verbose   (in bytes)
$ split -b 2K <file_name> --verbose (in Kb)
$ split -b 2M <file_name> --verbose (in Mb)
$ split -b 1G <file_name> --verbose (in Gb)

To create Split files with numeric suffix instead of alphabetic
$ split -d example.txt --verbose

To split file with customize suffix
$ split -l5 example.txt ilugc_file

To generate n chunks output files
$ split -n5 <file_name>

To Prevent Zero Size Split output files
$ split -n60 -e example.txt

To create split output files of customize suffix length
$ split -b 4 example.txt -a 3
$ split -b 4 example.txt -a 4

To split ISO file and merge it into a single file
$ split -n5 ubuntu-22.04.iso Split_IS0_
it will split ISO file into 5 pieces

To merge these files into a single
$  cat Split_IS0_a* > ubuntu22.04_new.iso

To verify the integrity of merge file using md5sum
before split of iso
$ md5sum ubuntu22.04.iso
after split and merge
$ md5sum ubuntu22.04_new.iso
