create file1.txt
$ cat file1.txt
i love linux
i love python
create file2.txt with same content as file1.txt
$ cat file2.txt
i love linux
i love python
To find duplicate contents with different file names in the current directory
$ fdupes .
To search for duplicates recursively under every directory
$ fdupes -r /home
To find the size of duplicates in the current dir
$ fdupes -S .
To find duplicates in more than one directory
$ fdupes /home/<username>/Downloads /home/<username>/Documents
To display a summary of all information related to duplicate files in the current directory
$ fdupes -m .
$ cat filea.txt
$ cat fileb.txt
$ cat filec.txt
To remove duplicate files in the current directory
$ fdupes -d .
Set 1 of 1:
1 [ ] ./filea.txt
2 [ ] ./fileb.txt
3 [ ] ./filec.txt
if we want to keep file 2 and delete 1 and 3
( Preserve files [1 - 3, all, help] )=2
( Preserve files [1 - 3, all, help] ): prune and hit ENTER
( No duplicates remaining; type 'exit' to exit program ):exit
To preserve the first instance of a file in every set of duplicate files and want to ignore the prompt
$ fdupes -d -N .
To display help options
$ fdupes --help