wipefs - it is used to erase various types of signatures from a device

$ sudo wipefs device_name

To print help options 
$ wipefs --help

To obtain the list of all the signatures existing on the /dev/vda1 device
$ sudo wipefs /dev/vda1

To include only the DEVICE, OFFSET and USAGE columns
$ sudo wipefs --output DEVICE,OFFSET,USAGE /dev/vda1

To obtain the output in the JSON format
$ sudo wipefs -J --output DEVICE,OFFSET,USAGE /dev/vda1

 To find and erase all the signatures on a device
$ sudo wipefs /dev/vda*

To erase all signatures on /dev/vda
$ sudo wipefs -a /dev/vda*

To make a dry run
$ sudo wipefs -n /dev/vda*
