strip - discard symbols and other data from object files

$ strip [options] objfile...

$ cat hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   // printf() displays the string inside quotation
   printf("Hello, World!");
   return 0;

$ gcc hello.c -o hello.out

To strip the symbol table
$ readelf -s hello.out
$ strip -s hello.out
check the symbol table 
$ readelf -s hello.out

To remove debug symbols only 
$ strip --strip-debug hello.out
check the symbol table 
$ readelf -a hello.out

To Remove a particular section
$ readelf -S hello.out
strip the .gnu.version section from the executable
$ strip -R .gnu.version hello.out
check the list of sections
$ readelf -S hello.out

To Remove unneeded symbols
$ strip --strip-unneeded hello.out
$ readelf -a hello.out

To Shield a particular symbol from stripping
$ strip -s -K hello.c hello.out
$ readelf -s hello.out

To strip off a particular symbol 
$ strip -N hello.c hello.out
$ readelf -s hello.out

To create a new stripped off file 
$ strip -s -o stripped_hello hello.out
$ ls -lart stripped_hello

To preserve the access and modification date/time
check the access and modification time of the original file
$ stat hello.out
$ strip -s -p hello.out
