dnf - Dandified YUM is a fork of YUM package manager 

To install package
$ sudo dnf install <package_name>
$ sudo dnf install httpd

To list all repositories
$ sudo dnf repolist all

To list enabled repositories
$ sudo dnf repolist

To remove package
$ sudo dnf remove <package_name>
$ sudo dnf remove vsftpd
$ sudo dnf erase vsftpd

To update a package
$ sudo dnf update firefox

To check for full system update
$ sudo dnf check-update

To upgrade all system packages
$ sudo dnf upgrade

To list all group packages
$ sudo dnf grouplist

To Install group packages
$ sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"

To Remove group packages
$ sudo dnf groupremove "Development Tools"

To search for packages
$ sudo dnf search httpd

To download only package and not to install
$ sudo dnf download bind

To show all available packages
$ sudo dnf list available 

To show only installed package
$ sudo dnf list installed

To show all installed as well as available packages
$ sudo dnf list

To enable repo for installation
$ sudo dnf install --enablerepo=epel mariadb

To check which package provides the required function
$ sudo dnf provides httpd
$ sudo dnf provides /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

To view package information
$ sudo dnf info htop

To create a cache manually
$ sudo time dnf makecache

To delete a cache
$ sudo dnf clean all

To check the transaction history
$ sudo dnf history

To remove orphan packages
$ sudo dnf autoremove

To synchronize all the packages to latest stable releases
$ sudo dnf distro-sync

To reinstall a package
$ sudo dnf reinstall firefox

To upgrade to a particular version
$ sudo dnf upgrade-to httpd-<version>
