--- Anurag wrote:
> Hello list members,
> We'll be having our November GLUG meet at HBCSE on
> sunday, 11th November 2007.
> Date: Sunday, 11th November 2007
> Time: 4:00 PM
> Venue: HBCSE, Mankhurd
> Topics:
> 1) Common Lisp - The language basics. - By
> Chaitanya Gupta
> 2) How to get started with SBCL and Emacs
Coo! Is it the FOSS.IN effect ;) ?
BTW, my first search result for SBCL resulted to Steel
Bank Common Lisp - is that what SBCL expands to?
If we have any Fedora Fans around, could you make a
copy of latest Fedora 8 (KDE live, preferably) since
it is being released on November 11 2007. :)