I have been trying to connect pacenet from Ubuntu for a week but hadn't found any success. I goggled on this stuff and have tried all the things told but yet always the chap authentication fails.
The link from which i took help is: http://db.glug-bom.org/wiki/index.php/Broadband_Pacenet
http://db.glug-bom.org/wiki/index.php/Broadband_PacenetI have generated encrypted password and used it. But i was unable to understand how to "Setup your LAN card using your preferred GUI or terminal utility. I used the GUI utility *System > Administration > Networking*. Enter your private IP address, net mask and gateway".
On giving command sudo pppoe-discovery , it shows me pacenet as the only Access-Concentrator.
Can anyone plz help me out? because right now i am doing programming on windows and it is frustrating as it is slows and not that much friendly.
Thanks in advance,
Note: I can put output of my all files that are required but as this is first mail so i am just withholding until i get someone who has been running pacenet on Ubuntu.