On Tuesday 19 October 2004 21:04, Philip Tellis wrote:
sorry trevor, should have given this solution first.
put your hard disk into the freezer (T<0°C) for 24 hours. When you take it out it should work for at least 24 hours. That should give you enough time to copy the data off it.
PS: I'm not kidding. I've done this twice before.
Are you sure about this one??
Trevor I suggest that u dd the data onto another disk first (presuming that dd will work).
Sometime Today, sherlock@vsnl.com assembled some asciibets to say:
PS: I'm not kidding. I've done this twice before.
Are you sure about this one??
didn't you read my last line. I am sure. very sure. what do you think could go wrong? Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Use a freezer bag. You've gotta keep the bag air tight, and when you take the disk out, let it come to room temperature, in the open (outside the bag) before you plug it in.
Trevor I suggest that u dd the data onto another disk first (presuming that dd will work).
well, he said that nothing was working.
PS: Fix your line length.
--- sherlock@vsnl.com wrote:
Are you sure about this one??
My old godrej(Purchased when my parents were married, is about 30years old) refridgerator has had its own share of stuffed junk food.
A samsung 40GB HDD with bad sectors........it wouldn't have expected this tho..:D.
Trevor I suggest that u dd the data onto another disk first (presuming that dd will work).
I do not have another disk to DD too. Am lending it to a friend to whom i shall request to DD first. Have also asked him to use recovery s/w to get as much data back as possible. You think these data recovery guys can get anything off ext3 sherlock???.
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Sometime Today, Erle Pereira assembled some asciibets to say:
the real trick here is to be patient b/c if u havent got data on the superblock backups.... these numbers seem relatively common..
17, 32768, 65539, 98304, 131072, 163840, 196608, 229376, 262144 ..
and easy way to get the numbers is to do a mke2fs with the -n option (or something like that). That option tells it not to format the partition, but to just report what it will do. It will tell you where the superblocks are gonna be put.
On Tuesday 19 Oct 2004 1:17 pm, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime Today, sherlock@vsnl.com assembled some asciibets to say:
Are you sure about this one??
didn't you read my last line. I am sure. very sure. what do you think could go wrong? Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Use a freezer bag. You've
can Second this... Seen it myself... .. classify the idea under "UnBelievable But True" ;-)
& trevour,, once u get the HDD work w/o too much i/o errs.. use the fsck options (-b , do a man fsck.ext3 to see more) once u get a valid backup superblock... ... cross ur fingers! works in all cases of course unless ur sectors are corrupt, then u will not get the data for that sector, but should be recoverable for the others...
the real trick here is to be patient b/c if u havent got data on the superblock backups.... these numbers seem relatively common..
17, 32768, 65539, 98304, 131072, 163840, 196608, 229376, 262144 ..
(for the mathematicaly inclined u can notice there is a fairly common progression.. )
Erle Pereira
Hi Philip,
On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 23:25, Philip Tellis wrote:
and easy way to get the numbers is to do a mke2fs with the -n option (or something like that). That option tells it not to format the partition, but to just report what it will do. It will tell you where the superblocks are gonna be put.
This is really cool tip. Never thought of the same. Must go in tip of the day kind of stuff.
With regards,