Hello all, COEP FOSSMeet is back with it's second edition this year! After having witnessed the 1st edition, we promise the event will be grander and greater this time with plethora of talks on topics like : Python, Git, Ruby on rails, Go, Bootloader, Firefox, Puppet, OpenStack, Debian, JQuery delivered by one of the finest developers and FOSS enthusiasts across the country. The two-day event will be held on the 30th and 31st March. And like last year we hope to meet you again this time and together embark on the journey of FOSS movement!
*Register yourselves for just Rs 100/- on : https://www.townscript.com/e/coep-fossmeet19-101110 https://www.townscript.com/e/coep-fossmeet19-101110*
Follow our page on Facebook and LinkedIn to keep abreast of the updates about the event: https://www.facebook.com/COEPFOSSMEET/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/coep-fossmeet/?viewAsMember=true
Regards, COEP FOSSMeet Team’19 Libre, not Gratis!
Hello Omkar and Abhijit
On Tuesday 05 March 2019 12:22 AM, Omkar Jadhav wrote:
FSCI has an Open Source Event management (OSEM) instance running at events.fsci.org.in and with this we have successfully coordinated/coordinating two conferences. I recommend you to use the same for COEP-FOSSMeet. It can handle CFPs, confirming talks, scheduling, separated tracks features. For ticketing/cash transactions you have to use something else.