Hi everyone,
Based on our discussion today in video conference, I encourage everyone to share your vim, neovim or emacs configuration here. These are great editors that are as powerful as any IDE. For many including me, they are the center of digital life. Infact, I am typing this mail on Neovim with format=flow method. Share any additional info or interesting information about your editor too.
Here is my Neovim configuration: - Plugin manager: junegunn/vim-plug - Completion and language support: neoclide/coc.nvim - Language highlighting: sheerun/vim-polyglot - Formatting: sbdchd/neoformat - Make/Build: neomake/neomake - Clipboard: christoomey/vim-system-copy - Status line: vim-airline/vim-airline - File browser: preservim/nerdtree - Icons: ryanoasis/vim-devicons - Table formatting: dhruvsagar/vim-table-mode - Git integration: tpopt/vim-fugitive - Markdown preview: euclio/vim-markdown-composer - Theme: dracula/vim
There are custom keybindings, integration with TMux, editor configurations etc. Here are some of the ways I used neovim:
1. Programming in multiple languages with autocompletion and linting - Autoformat and build is also available - Code folding using fold markers 2. Create email like this 3. Edit markdown with live HTML preview (no need to even save) - Table mode allows live auto format of tables 4. Manage my system configs and dotfiles
Let me know what you folks think and of any questions you have. Don't forget about posting your own configurations and cool concepts.
Regards, Gokul Das B (goku12)