type - is used to display information about the command type
syntax $ type [OPTIONS] FILE_NAME
To find the type of ls command $ type ls
To find the type of wc command $ type wc $ type type
To display more than one argument $ type df free sleep head
To display the command is an alias, keyword or a function and path of an executable $ type -a pwd $ type -a ls
To print a single word describing the type of the command $ type -t ls $ type -t pwd $ type -t df $ type -t du $ type -t while
To display the name of the disk file which would be executed by the shell $ type -p bash
To search the PATH for an executable file on the disk even if the command is not file $ type -P pwd
To suppress shell function lookup $ type -f while $ type -f ls $ type -f pwd
regards, T.Dhanasekar