xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input
To combine xargs with find $ find [location] -name "[search-term]" -type f | xargs [command] $ find /home -name *.txt -type f | xargs rm -f
To combine xargs with grep $ find . -name '[search-term]' | xargs grep '[string-to-find-in-files]' $ find / -name *.txt | xargs grep 'sample'
To read Items From File $ xargs -a [filename] $ xargs -a example.txt
To see the commands executed by xargs in standard output $ [command-providing-input] | xargs -t [command] $ echo "folder1 folder2 folder3" | xargs -t mkdir
To List All Linux User Accounts on the System $ echo "file.txt" | xargs -p rm
To List Number of Lines/Words/Characters in Each File $ ls | xargs wc
regards, T.Dhanasekar