seq - print a sequence of numbers
syntax $ seq [option] FIRST INCREMENT LAST
To display Seq LAST , default increment is 1 $ seq 20
To print with Seq FIRST and LAST $ seq 5 20
To print Seq FIRST INCREMENT LAST $ seq 4 2 50
To add the strings before the sequence number $ seq -f NUM%02g 10
To print the formatted strings starting from 5 and incrementing by 5 up to 25 $ seq -f NUM%02g 5 5 25
To display the output on the same line $ seq -s " " 5 5 50
To append the leading zeros to equalize the width $ seq -ws " " 3 2 120
To display with separators $ seq -s - 100
To generate a sequence containing the floating values $ seq -f "%f" 2 0.5 10
regards, T.Dhanasekar